
27 September 2009

Alien species


帰りに、鎌倉で拾ったアカボシゴマダラ(Red Ring Skirt Butterfly)
This butterfly originally inhabits in China, Taiwan, Korea and northern Viet Nam but these days we can see many of them in Tokyo area, because they were presumably introduced by some insect collectors. Now, it is designated as one of invasive alien species.
Somehow, Kanagawa prefecture, relatively rich suburbs of Tokyo, is the paradise of alien species. There seem to be quite a few animal and insect collectors, who tend to spread nonnative species by letting their pets out. Since the climate here is slightly milder than that of Tokyo and western Chiba prefecture, those exotic species seem to be able to survive winter easily.

22 September 2009



いつか9月21日にも、行ってみなければ! でも、観光客がいっぱいのイギリス海岸を思うと、水の下でも、誰もいない日のほうがいいかもしれない。

19 September 2009

Economy-sized Utopia


If I wanted all the things that I haven't got, my life would have been left all the more unsatiated.
The important thing is to find and enjoy the economy sized dreams of hope! There are thousands of little joy, beauties and comforts around you.

We would breathe and be charmed and amused by difference
This is my ideal my end in sight...

17 September 2009


日本ワイルドライフアート協会展を見に来てくださったみなさま、本当にありがとうございました。ご意見、コメント、とてもうれしかったです! まだ明日が残っていますが、ちょっと早めに作品をひとつアップ。

Brown-eared Bulbuls are the main seed dispersers of the Japanese Aralia in my tiny little garden. In fact, this tree itself grew out naturally from a seed probably brought by a bird. Even in a small garden, if a bird comes, its favorite plants will eventually grow from its droppings and they bring another birds.

15 September 2009


ダイゼン(Grey Plover)
Since everybody was saying that he or she went to Sanbanse tideland and saw Broad-billed Sandpipers, Great Knots, Red Knots, Little Stints and...I couldn't help but going there. September is the month to see autumn migrators!
Although it was a little bit cold, I walked in the mud with sandals on, to the same place where those plovers and sandpipers were feeding. Feeling ripple marks under my feet, I remembered learning the importance of Irihama-ken, or coastal access rights, in a lecture. It's much more fun to see birds in Sanbanse than Yatsuhigata, where we can only see them from the road around the mud land.

Somehow I didn't feel much anger at seeing a man who had let a large flock of birds fly by getting too close to a Far Eastern Curlew. Because I myself would like to try something like that! If there were a huge nature land and less people, birds could fly anywhere they want without being too much disturbed by people in the water.

8 September 2009


ミズキの樹Cornus controversa


"In Pursuit of Elegance"より


日本ワイルドライフアート協会展 JAWLA設立15周年記念
会場:山脇ギャラリー (東京都千代田区九段南4-8-21)

久しぶりにワイルドライフアート協会展に出展します! お近くにお寄りの際は、ぜひお立ち寄りください。

1 September 2009


セスジスズメ Theretra oldenlandiae, whose charm point is spots of Gauguin's red on his both sides.
