
29 October 2010

Pumpkin guys

A guy was curving a pumpkin by the river.

The day just before it became a pumpkin guy.
I think I put too much detail on the Ruskin building but I had to! because I really like the time when the sun goes down and our houses cast a big shadow on the wall.


We curved pumpkins and roasted the seeds! I'm so happy to have friends who like to do what I exactly love to.

25 October 2010


"You're drawing us, don't you?"
Finishing their chat, the lady came to check what I was doing.
Of course I was drawing you! because you both looked perfect with red clothes.


22 October 2010


On Tuesday morning around ten o'clock, I sat in the garden of a church to draw the front door of a book shop...and I found Wood Pigeons sleeping on the branch. So I just gave up drawing the scenery and began to draw them peeping through the Ivy.

They woke up at 10:30, started to preen their plumage.

Isn't it too late for birds to get up? The early bird will catch the worm but since pigeons do not eat worms, they may not care about that...

17 October 2010


Another Sunday has passed. A week seems to fly faster and faster these days. That meas I've got used to the life here. But I have to keep it in my mind that I can stay here for only one year and a half and have already spent a month!

Last Sunday morning.

The pub along the river; Normally there are only Moorhens there but it was packed with people last Sunday.

Today I walked along the river to Grantchester again with my sketch books!

時間 それはこの世界のあらゆるものの中にあって
いちばん長くていちばん短く いちばん早くていちばん遅いもの
いくらでも細かくわけられ どんなにでも大きくひろがるもの
いちばんぞんざいに扱えて あとからそれが悔やまれるもの

13 October 2010


Blackbird(juv.) and Pyracantha



セイヨウミズキ(cornus sanguinea
Everybody loves the fruits of Dogwood.

I noticed this Grey squirrel eating the Dogwood fruits and maybe also the seeds by the kri kri sound. It was sitting on the branch and eating the fruits holding a whole infructescence. When it finished one infructescence, it just got another one from nearby and came back to the same branch, started eating again.
Since the inflorescence and also the branches near the fruits are too thin to perch for birds let alone the squirrel, everybody was trying hard to reach the berries.
I saw a Song Thrush hovered and picked them, which really reminded me of my graduation thesis!

12 October 2010

Berries for me

Every time I walk around the town, I come across somebody sketching
...friends from my course!

This morning, I finally decided to buy a pack of raspberry, which I had wanted to get but had no chance. And of course I met a friend drawing the market square.

10 October 2010


I took a train for the first time in England! and went to Newmarket with my friends

to sketch the horses. They kept moving and moving so I made so many unfinished croquis drawings.

8 October 2010


Muntjac at Paradise Nature Reserve


One month has passed since I came here! And I really enjoy every single day.



6 October 2010

Birds and berries

When I was researching for my graduation thesis, I got a book called "Birds and Berries" by Snow & Snow, illustrated by John Busby(!!). It is a monograph about the studies held in the southern part of England to record all the bird species which ate all the berries species there. Because I was doing the research similar to their works in a small scale, I often referred to the book, imagining the birds in England eating berries.
And now, I can actually see them around my house!

Blackberry(Rubus fruticosus) セイヨウヤブイチゴ
Blackberries are everywhere, along the river, at the edge of the common lands but somehow I don't see many birds eating the berries. It may be because, as written in the book, there are double peaks for the birds to eat Blackberries; early September and late October. And it's the time in between now.

Elder(Sambucus nigra) and Collard Dove セイヨウニワトコとシラコバト
If it's the same case as that in southern England, the reason for the Blackberries' double peaks here must be these attractive Elder berries.
It seems that most of the Elder berries were already eaten up around here, though.


4 October 2010


ナミハリネズミ(European Hedgehog)
When I was watching birds in a cemetery nearby, a lady taking her dog for a walk beckoned to me. The big brown ball which she was pointing at was a hedgehog!
She told me that it was the first time for her to see it in the cemetery.

British Hedgehog Conservation SocietyのHogwatchという調査によれば、イギリスでは西部より東部の方が数が多いらしい。しかし東部でも近年、数を減らしているという。