
29 November 2010

It's snowing!

It started snowing this morning and in a few minutes, everything became white.

Wood Pigeons feeding seeds of ivy. It's going to be a tough winter for wildlife and also for me.


For Christmas gift...I designed a new book cover for paperbacks.
ミツユビカモメと漁港風景(Black-legged Kittiwake)

さっそくHobby's Worldで取り扱ってくださった。

22 November 2010


Last Saturday, I joined the RSPB Cabmridge group's field trip and went to Norfolk! It was amazing to see how flat East Anglia actually is. And fog makes it look even fantastic.
ケンブリッジの街中でも、それなりに鳥は見られるが、探鳥地に行こうと思うと交通の便が悪くなかなか難しい。でも鳥情報を得るには、まず探鳥地に行ってみるのが一番。そんなことを思い10月頭に自転車で25キロくらい離れたWicken Fenまで行ってみた。そのとき知り合った人に紹介してもらって、RSPBケンブリッジ支部の屋内集会に行き、ようやっとこの探鳥会に参加できた。探鳥会も集合場所がフィールドの真ん中の駐車場だったりするので、毎回、幹事に電話をして誰か車に乗せていってくれる人を探さなくてはならないのだ。でも、ちょっとずつわたしも世界を広げている。

Brent Geese and Eurasian Oystercatchers(コクガンとミヤコドリ)
This foggy scenery was my first sight of the British sea. Watching the shore line carefully by telescope, we found some waders such as Redshanks, Curlews, Grey Plovers and Sanderlings.


London sightseeing

London Eye and Big Ben
I need a bigger sketchbook!
Since the entrance fees are expensive everywhere, I decided just to enjoy them from the outside and wait until when some of my friends or my mother or relatives visit me...

HMS Belfast and Tower Bridge

18 November 2010

Time for brownie!

My uncles friend recommended me to visit the Borough Market on Saturday. And it was a great place! I just sketched a lot.

Some sellers were very the person in this brownie stall. He not only allowed me to stay at the back but also gave me a piece of brownie!

But sometime I was asked to pay 5 pounds to draw(she was joking, thought).


Dutch cheese

いくらでも食べたいものが見つかるから危険だ。でも買わずにはいられなかったのは瓶入りプリン。中身にももちろん心を引かれたけれど、瓶! とりのなん子さんも使っていたような気がするが、安定していて水彩用の水入れにちょうど良いのだ。中身を食べて、瓶が手に入るお得さがうれしい。

17 November 2010

Going To London

Last weekend, I went to London for the first time in my life to visit my uncle's friend. Living in Cambridge for two months, somehow, I hadn't been there, which is just an hour away by train.
When I was living in cities around Tokyo, it was nothing special to travel daily for one or two hours by train. But since the cities here are surrounded by countryside and not sprawling, going to another city sounds like a big journey. Although there must be a lot of commuter traveling from Cambridge to London everyday, it is not as common as commuting from Yokohama to Tokyo.

Cambridge Station in the morning.

Trafalgar Square.

11 November 2010






7 November 2010

Guy Fawkes Night


It was drizzling on the Guy Fawkes Night and the ground was muddy. Even though, there were a lot of people waiting for the fireworks. And thanks to my friends who were holding umbrella for me, I could sketch the wonderful night!

The firework which looked like balloons flying away was really cute.

I felt the warmth of the fire.


We bought some toffees and licorice candies. I couldn't help buying something from those stalls during a festival.

I wonder why almost all the Japanese do not like licorice candy. And it is so hard to find one in Japan.

属のスペインカンゾウ(Glycyrrhiza glabra)の根だった。アニス(Pimpinella anisum)で味をつけることもあるらしい。そういえば研究室で飲んだ、アニスの入ったギリシャのお酒も同じ味がした。


2 November 2010

Party night

My housemate took me to the Mexican party held at a night club. Since I can't dance, I can't drink...

I was having fun drawing people dancing and drinking until two o'clock in the morning. Thanks for giving me this rare opportunity!


1 November 2010

My time


The summer time ended on Oct 30th. It was my first experience to turn back the clock without flying on the plane! 7 o'clock in the morning suddenly became light and the evening dark in one day.
