
24 March 2011


Somehow, sometime I can not connect to the Internet for more than an hour in my house. When it happen, I go out for a while. It's far better than trying to connect again and again and being frustrated.

Surprisingly, cherry trees are already in full blossom here and people are walking around with T-shirts.
Hope the cherry blossom season will arrive soon in Japan as well to cheer people up.

日本でサクラといえば、年度の変わり目で、別れや出会いとともに散りゆくのを眺める、感慨深い花だ。でも、イギリスのCherry blossomは天真爛漫に春を謳歌している。


18 March 2011


These days I found myself not concentrating on anything and spending a lot of time browsing news on the megaquake and tsunami that devastated Japan. Since here in England, everything is going as usual, I have to keep up with the normal pace as well. So I end up working till midnight, using a lot of electricity.

When I came here, I felt it inconvenient that all the shops and arcades closed around five to six o'clock in the evening. But after hearing about the planned power outage in Japan and many shops limiting their opening hours because of that, I thought it is actually nice to open only daytime in terms of saving electricity.
Some of my friends here said that it is quite normal to have three hour blackout in their countries. The more we have high-tech equipment in our house, the more difficult it becomes to live without electricity.
It seems to be the time when we start thinking of what kind of service we really need and what is not. This earthquake can be a good opportunity to change our way of life.

On the other hand, I feel sorry to hear that many cultural events and activities have been cancelled because of the earthquake. Admittedly in this situation, nobody would feel like doing anything unnecessary to have fun, using electricity and making public transportation even more crowded.
The next few years to come will be a hard time for us, who are doing activities like a bubble.

12 March 2011





10 March 2011


Last night I finally finished reading the Secret Garden in English! So I decided to paint Snowdrops from early February to celebrate coming spring.

Snowdrop (マツユキソウ)

ヨーロッパの庭園は、18世紀末に始まったプラント・ハンティング時代に世界中から耐寒性のある植物を集めてきて定着させたために、いまのような色鮮やかな風貌になったという(安部薫, 「シェイクスピアの花」より)。イギリスでは、マツユキソウも16世紀の初めに大陸から持ち込まれた移入種のようだ。

7 March 2011

A Day with the Moorhens

The complete result of my Sequential Image project...well...animated version produced by my mother.
Sorry for uploading a heavy file.

She made this title without my permission! but actually it sounds nice.

6 March 2011


Avocets from the Estuary Birdwatching tripソリハシセイタカシギ
When I saw the huge flock of Avocets resting along the tidal line almost in the same pose, I immediately thought of making the scene with rubber stumps.

4 March 2011

The end of the winter day

Now I can really feel that winter is over and spring is just around the corner. The sun that had not come up until nine o'clock has started to rise before seven these days!

Grey-lag and Pink footed geese at Welney Wetland Centre in December.

2 March 2011


The third of March is Hinamatsuri, the Japanese Doll Festival. For this festival, families with little girls display a whole set of dolls in traditional dress, wishing for girls' healthy growth.

I made this series of postcards of Japanese dolls when I was 11 years old. I drew one platform after another on the upper half of a postcard and sent them day by day to my great grandmother so that when she received them all, she could have a whole set of dolls in her small room at a retirement home. It was her father who bought these dolls for her first daughter nearly 80 years ago.