
27 April 2012

東郷まどか ピアノリサイタル


◇◆◇ 東郷まどか ピアノリサイタル ◇◆◇
   Madoka Togo Piano Recital
曲目:ドビュッシー  ベルガマスク組曲
   デュティユー ピアノソナタ
   ショパン 幻想曲 ヘ短調 op.49
        4つのマズルカ op.33
        スケルツォ 第4番 ホ長調 op.54

26 April 2012

A Little Bit of Bread

From my recent bird watching sketchbook...Yellowhammer
He sings like this...

20 April 2012

King of the castle

Last weekend I went to Teesdale with RSPB Cambridge group. The country side was beautiful with undulating land and the stone walls running all over. Sometimes the sky was blue and sometimes gray and all the sudden we had hail stones falling.

"I'm the king of the castle!"
Lambs were so happy climbing and jumping on the hay.

9 April 2012

Lost Documents and Alien Auditors

My friend's kindle book, Lost Documents and Alien Auditors is now on Amazon.
And I had the honor of illustrating its cover.

Lost Documents and Alien Auditors by Graham Holman. Cover illustration by Narisa Togo.
Thank you, Mr. Holman, for this opportunity!

8 April 2012

Snow Bunting


Snow Bunting (ユキホオジロ)
They really blend into the background when they are feeding.

6 April 2012

Monoprints of Jackdow

I bought a small roller. It's not a perfect one but, at least, it works! So I was happy experimenting monoprints.

The couple of Jackdaw is preening each other. It's spring!

At the beginning I spread out too much ink and the print became too black. So I decide to get ghost image instead.

Tried colouring in Photoshop.

Cambridge School of Art Stand

Thanks to Pam and other committee members, I heard that our Cambridge School of Art stand at the Bologna Children's Book Fair was very successful!
Everybody must be looking forward to the news from the stand now and crossing the fingers for something to happen...well, we all have rights to dream!

Photo by Caroline Tye.
I was happy to see my works in the photo from Bologna book fair.

2 April 2012

Jackdaw's chimney

A couple of Jackdaw seems to like the chimney in front of my window. They spend quiet a long time just sitting there together and I've been drawing them. It will be interesting if they start nesting there!

"It's already spring now. People don't use this chimney anymore, do they?"