
30 June 2012

Seabird Drawing Course 2012

I still can not help smiling when I think back the fabulous days in North Berwick with 26 other artists on Seabird Drawing Course 2012. Last year, I visited Mr. John Busby during the course for a night and since then I had been wanted to join it. Now, I am wondering if I can stay in Britain until next year to join it again!


ジョン・バズビー(John Busby)氏が毎年開催している一週間の「シーバード・ドローウィング・コース」に今年はついに参加してきた。フィールドでシロカツオドリやミツユビカモメ、ウミガラスなどを観察しながら、その場でスケッチや完成画を描くというものだ。今年の参加者は23人で、ヨーロッパ各地、アメリカからもコースのために飛んできた来た人たちがいた。チューターは、ジョン・バズビー氏のほか、有名な野生動物画家のダレン・ウッドヘッド(Darren Woodhead)氏、グレッグ・プール(Greg Poole)氏、ジョン・スレルフォール(John Threlfall)氏という豪華な顔ぶれ。これ以上は願えないという幸せな一週間だった!

On the first day, we all went to Dunbar to sketch the kittiwakes nesting at the harbor. In most of the nests, chicks were already born!

29 June 2012


I have just come back from an amazing trip to Scotland. I had been looking forward to this trip and joining the Seabird Drawing Course 2012 by John Busby for months and months. I spent one of the most fulfilling days but at the same time, they went by so quickly.

The first thing I did when I arrived in Edinburgh was to climb up to Arthur's Seat in Holyrood park. I was so happy holding a nice whole baguette which my friend had brought from her work for me. The gorse bushes were bright golden yellow.

The next day my friend's friend kindly took me to RSPB Vane Farm Nature Reserve at Loch Leven. It was raining and drizzling all the time but we saw quite a lot of birds. The cattle came across the water to say hello to us in the hide!

Black-headed Gull at the nest. ユリカモメ

エジンバラでも最も安い宿であろうBelford Hostelのキッチン。古い教会をユースホステルに変えたもので、礼拝堂をアーチごとに仕切って部屋を作っている。その小さな部屋に6人分のバンクベッドが入っているのだから本当に狭い! しかもわたしが泊まった部屋には、大学を卒業し就職先を探しているという子が3人長期滞在していた。光熱費や敷金を考えると部屋を借りるより安いという計算らしい。わたしだって一歩間違えれば同じような生活をしていたかもしれないと思い、居候させてもらっている家主に改めて感謝した。

14 June 2012

Holly Howe

It's already a long time ago but my mother came to visit me for a week in the end of May, when we had the most amazing hot and sunny weather in two months. We traveled together the Lake District, the place for Swallows and Amazons, Beatrix Potter and John Ruskin!

We walked and walked along the public footpath from Windermere to Hawkshead、 and to Grizedale, and to Coniston. The woodland hiking with my mother reminded me of our mountain trekking trips when I was in elementary school. We really had nice time especially since we hadn't seen each other for more than a year!

For two nights we stayed at the Bank Ground Farm, which is the model of the Holly Howe in Arthur Ransome books. The evenings were bright and long so we went for a walk around the meadow with buttercups and daisy. This is the place where Roger pretended to be a tea-clipper, the Cutty Sark!
アーサー・ランサムによる「ツバメ号とアマゾン号」シリーズの中でハリハウ農場として出てくるBank Ground Farmに泊まった。湖沼地方を旅していても、ビアトリクス・ポターやジョン・ラスキンの関係の施設やお土産はよく目にしたが、アーサー・ランサム関連のものは非常に少なかった。どうもこのシリーズを読んでいるのは、ある一定の年代の人 — つまり出版された当初に子どもだった世代とその子ども世代 — に限られるらしい。

13 June 2012


Photo by Setsuo Hamanaka
The Japan Wildlife Art exhibition has ended yesterday. I was so happy to receive comments and messages from several friends of mine who visited the exhibition. And some even took photos for me stuck in England and couldn't go and see. Thank you so much!

9 June 2012

Logo for Liferbird


A logo for "Liferbird", an organization to support ornithological research and share the result with society.
この団体の誕生の地であるニューカレドニアの鳥、Fan-tailed Gerygone(現地名:wapipi)をイメージしてデザインしたものだ。

○ 池袋サイエンスカフェ
6月16日: 神秘の森: ブナ林
6月30日: コケのなかに生きるシダ

○ 鳥のサイエンスカフェ
7月22日: スズメ研究のススメ

会場:Lamp(喫茶店)豊島区西池袋 4-2-13 1F

8 June 2012


There are buttercup & daisy field everywhere and I am tempted to make a pattern out of them. I carved and printed lino/rubber stamps for the first time since I moved into this house. And it's already June!


6 June 2012


We thought of getting the elderflower cordial to celebrate the Queen's Golden Jubilee. But since the shops had short opening hours and were about to close at four or five and there were so many elderflower blooming outside, we decided to make it by ourselves.

Elder (セイヨウニワトコ)

My friend, Rosemary Shojaie has her beautiful illustration inspired by our elder flower picking day on her blog . We decided to do this kind of project occasionally; do something together and make some works from that experience. And we both can put up on our blog and make link to each others!

2 June 2012

MacMillan Prize 2012

Thank you for coming to the MacMillan Prize 2012 exhibition at Foyles gallery!

I didn't manage to take any nice photos but here are some from the private view on Monday.

This is my corner. One spread was chosen per highly commended artist and two per winners to exhibit. I wish I could see more!

Winners' corner.