Ilkley Moor
We wandered around the moor for hours.
"it’s just miles and miles and miles of wild land that nothing grows on but heather and gorse and broom, and nothing lives on but wild ponies and sheep.”
“I feel as if it might be the sea, if there were water on it,” said Mary.
from The Secret Garden
ハワースから「嵐が丘」の館が建つ場所だとされるTop Withens へも雨と濃い霧の中、ムーアをハイキングしてきた。一瞬、霧が晴れたけれど、スゲの荒野の他は何もない。キャシーとヒースクリフの亡霊がさまよっていると言われれば納得する景色だ。廃墟は羊たちが我が物顔にしていた。

カラフトライチョウのイギリス産亜種であるRed Grouseがたくさんいた。
We often scared red grouses and were surprised by them flying off suddenly.

Keighley steam engine train station to Worth valley. It looked exactly what you would imagine as a railway station in literature!