
29 June 2013

pencil drawings

Drawing the same species again and again, I started to understand its shape better and became able to draw it with a single or at least with a few lines. During this trip I realised how important it is to stick on to the same subject, theme, material until I feel confident about it. You have to be a bit crazy to be a really good artist, it seems!






28 June 2013

June 2013

After many many months and years later when I think back June 2013, I will always remember it with seabirds in Scotland, gannets, puffins, guillemots, razorbills, shags, kittiwakes and fulmars. The whole months seemed to have passed while I was watching and drawing them.

Puffin (ニシツノメドリ)


Arctic Tern(キョクアジサシ)

Common Guillemots(ウミガラス)


Eider Duck(ホンケワタガモ)

27 June 2013

Sketches from Norfolk

Avocet with chicks(ソリハシセイタカシギ)
I was so happy to see the Avocet chicks because it was such a perfect timing. That day, I visited Robert Gillmor, an amazing linocut artist. When I think of his works I always have the image of the Avecet with its chicks. He was having the open studio at his house in Cley.


Little Tern(コアジサシ)
I should have posted these images much much earlier before I started to hate them. But I am going to! Because this blog is not about showcasing my best works but rather recording where I am in the whole learning process.

4 June 2013

Rubber stamp works


A type of Halimium flower from our Spain trip. I have so may ideas but not enough time these days! Where has May gone?

3 June 2013

Recent works


My frog illustration is used in the RSPB Cambridge group's field report page !
