
10 February 2014

Snow, the natural reflector

Yesterday was a bright day after the heavy snow storm on Saturday. They said that it was the heaviest snow in Tokyo in the last 45 years! When I opened the door in the morning, everything was indeed buried under 20-30 cm of snow.

I couldn't help painting this memorable scene after coming back home in the late evening, before I forget the colour. The black-faced buntings were feeding on the snow and their yellow bellies were shining beautifully with the reflection of the snow. Everything looked colourful and pure in the monotone background and with the bright white lighting from the ground. Snow really has a magical effect to the scenery.

7 February 2014



I am going to talk about my birdwatching experience in the UK at a nature reserve! I was so impressed with British nature reserves and how people enjoy visiting those places. And I am happy to get this chance to share what I've seen and heard.

◇◆◇ 野鳥観察舎公開講座 ◇◆◇
場所:行徳野鳥観察舎1階視聴覚室 (千葉県市川市福栄4-22-11)
内容: バードウォッチング発祥の地であり、自然保護が盛んなイギリスでのバードウォッッチング事情、設備の整った自然保護区の様子、イギリス人の自然観など、留学先ケンブリッジでの体験をもとにお話しします。ケンブリッジが位置するイースト・アングリア地域は、英国内でも最もバードウォッチング、自然保護活動が盛んなところです。ソリハシセイタカシギやヨーロッパチュウヒ、サンカノゴイ、クロヅルの保護など長年続いてきた活動の成果が、フィールドでいま実感できる地域でもあります。留学中に知り合った多くの地元バードウォッチャーに連れていってもらった場所のこと、教えてもらったことをまとめてお話したいと思います。

◇◆◇ワイルドライフアート展2014 ”日本の生きもの〜その多様性" ◇◆◇
日時:2014年2月25日(火)〜3月2日(日) 9:00-16:30(最終日は15時まで)
場所:新宿御苑インフォメーションセンター アートギャラリー 

6 February 2014

Birdwatchers' gathering

Birdwatching can really connect people. Today, I went to see birds with six other people in my local nature reserve. I only knew two of them in the beginning, who I got to know just a few days ago, and I met the other four for the first time. And I have no idea what was common among us. But what's the matter about it when we all are birdwatchers/nature lovers, and are in the field? I had wonderful time chatting about birds, sharing the moment in nature.

I always think of both the woodcock and the snipe to be flying in the sky with the strange sounds. I always loved the moment sitting quietly in the opening of the woodland waiting for nightjars. And there were always woodcocks flying in circle around us above the conifer trees. And who can forget the snipe's "bicycle pump" calls and the display flight?
But today, in winter, they were both very quiet and so blended in fallen leaves and branches. Very good model for drawing, though!

When I start sketching, I never really think of where on the sketchbook I should started. I seem to start wherever the space my hand goes... and so often I regret that I should have started somewhere slightly up in the middle or right or left. This one, I couldn't draw the legs properly because that was my paper's end! Stupid me!

コジュケイ(Chinese bamboo partridge)



5 February 2014



On the 21st Jan, some persimmons were still left and lots of brown-eared bulbuls and White- cheeked Starlings as well as tree sparrows, white-eyes and a brown-headed thrush were gathering there.



A wigeon in oil pastels.


My friend and I are planning to organise a field sketching group and I have just made the group's blog here. We are planning to have the very first field sketch event in the beginning of the March and we will put the participants' artworks on this blog. I am trying to be active and do something on my own here in Japan and not just missing the Seabird Drawing Course in Scotland!!

◆◇◆ 第1回フィールドスケッチ会 ◆◇◆
日時:2014年3月8日(土) 10:00-15:00
集合:上野不忍池の弁天堂前 10:00

・ お昼ご飯
・ スケッチに必要なもの(スケッチブック、画用紙等、鉛筆、色鉛筆、チャーコール、ペン、水彩、アクリル絵の具、クレヨン、パステルなど、各自適当と思われる画材)
・ 観察道具として双眼鏡があるとよい
・ 防寒着(帽子、マフラー、絵を描きやすい手袋等も忘れずに)
