The place looked magical with shining moss.

鎌倉でよく見かける鳥といえば……ガビチョウ! たまにはこういうやつも描いてあげなくては。
This introduced species, Hwamei, has been wide spread in Kamakura area.

Since our house is so tiny, we decided to stay for two nights at Kamakura Guest house. All the guests got together at the irori fireside in the evening, which still had fire for the last time in this season. The guests were from all over the world, France, Netherlands, Australia, China and Korea... It was such a fun to talk with them! I even met an illustrator, Juliette Huygen, who creates very interesting collage works with beautiful pen lines! I love this kind of international place!

A kingfisher perched right on top of a cherry branch! A perfect painting opportunity!

We had nice tea break under the red umbrellas in Enoshima island and I had the second ice cream during this trip!