
28 March 2015

Migrating West

It's spring and I have migrated west to England again!  This time, I am just a summer visitor and won't be staying as long as swifts or cuckoos do but still, I came to enjoy the long daylight.

Since I booked a very early flight out of Japan, I stayed at my grandmother's place for a night. And this was what I found at hers, a flowering Air Plant (Bryophyllum pinnatum)!

I have already went out for birdwatching and watched 52 avocets and marsh harriers!
It's so nice to be "home" and looking up the massive sky and walking on the common land and stepping carefully across the cattle grid.

23 March 2015

Japanese birds in winter

I was too busy to update any sketches during the last month but I had been in several fields and sketching some birds.


Japanese accentor(カヤクグリ)


Reed buntings (オオジュリン)
この冬、オオジュリンがあまり見られないという話を耳にしていたのだが、いるところにはいるらしい! まだ冬羽だった。動きがはやくてなかなかスケッチは難しい。

Japanese Pheasant(キジ)



I hear a voice saying "are you still drawing a heron after you finished making the images for the heron book?"
Yes, I am!  

16 March 2015

Spring has come!

Finally, I have submitted all the images for my new book about Heron today!  I've done it!
For the last few weeks I was stuck at home and printing from morning till midnight.
So now I feel like the spring has come. 

This Heron in a strong spring wind is from the nearby wash.
I thought I ought to celebrate the day I sent off my Heron yet I didn't want to do any more carving or printing so I went for painting the heron I saw earlier this month.  

The book will be out in autumn this year!  
I made the illustration in mixture of linocut, vinyl engraving, stencil and rubber stamps.   Looking back this advertising image, the Heron, the fish and the colour, all changed a bit! 

15 March 2015



I've started running a series of article about my birdwatching experience in the UK on the BIRDER magazine published by Bunichisogo publisher and the above image is its adv.  
I will need to ask loads of more questions and help to you, all of my British birder firends, in order to continue this series.  So I apologise and thank you in advance. 



12 March 2015


It's the time of the year again when we think of the earthquake in Tohoku. And the sun sets on Mt. Fuji in my area.
