
19 February 2017


A visitor from Nagano got me out of the house. It was nice to be out in the field, watching birds, listening to the sea and feeling sunshine.


Slavonian Grebe.  We actually watched three other grebes in the area, the Great-crested, the Black-necked and the Red-necked and that left only the Little Grebe to complete all five grebes that can be seen in Japan.  Although it's a common bird, unfortunately, we did not find the little one this time. 


何しろスコープでのぞいている間中、この通り、同じポーズ。そして、ピンクの長い舌を出した! パーティ用クラッカーのリボンが飛び出た感じ。


Woodcocks came out in the late evening.  It was very interesting to watch their feeding behavior.  They seemed to just poke their beak randomly into the ground without looking and then find the prey by the sense of touch. 
Poke! Let's see... is there anything good?   

Rustic Bunting

I felt very tired after being exposed in the wind and the sun...I must have turned into a resident of the realm of Underground or even the realm of Bism under it. I am glad to be reminded that the sun still exists in this world before I forget it!

16 February 2017


雑誌BIRDERの3月号が家に届いた。わたしの連載 『Tingの英吉利流バードウォッチング見てある記』の最終回が載っている。3年間の留学の"鳥見"という部分をこうしてまとめられたのはうれしい。
I have finished writing the series of 24 articles about British birders and birdwatching on BIRDER magazine.  Since I learned so much from my experiences of birding in the UK during my three-year stay, I started this series to share them with Japanese birders.  
riting articles turned out to be more of a great opportunity for me to study further on many aspects, from British culture to environmental organisations to laws.  It really became a good sum up to the days I spent in the lovely country.  
I want to say big thank you to all my birder friends who took me around to almost everywhere in the country, and to all who answered my various questions for this articles.  





11 February 2017

Sunset and Sunrise

The memorable, special moments during trips are quite often at dawn and dusk. And it made me think that it's a pity that I only enjoy them during my travels.  I should make more efforts to be up and out and about to see the sun comes and goes on normal days, too as it happens everyday. 

One great scene we had during the Thai trip was harriers' roosting.  Dozens of harries, not swallows or starlings or egrets but raptors, gather in one view in darkening sky was really spectacular.
Someday, I will come back again with my proper sketchbook and watercolour paint to capture the whole scenery, I promised myself there.  

The last day of the Thai trip started at Mae Nam Khong.
When we went down at 6:15, everything was in dim light.  I could just about make out the shape of the mountain.  As we started our breakfast, it became brighter and brighter, minute by minute and the mist spread out.   And at 7:00, the sun rose, spreading its reflection on the river surface.




5 February 2017

Doi Angkhan and Doi Lang


マユヒタキ(Ultramarine Flycatcher)

I was really happy to have a good view of Silver-eared Mesias.
My Thai birding friend once told me that I looked like Mesia.  I imagined this Silver-eared Mesia, which was always calling me with its characteristic song but never showed me its colourful feature, hiding in the bush.  
Why do I look like it?  I don't dress colourful, I do not have a black cap!
It turned out that she was talking about an actress from Hong Kong, Michelle Yim, who is called Mesiah in Thai. 
I still wonder though, do I look like her?  At least, she and I are more alike than Silver-eared one and I.  

Black-throated Sunbird was hovering at the Mexican bush sage flower bed . With the afternoon sun, the feather shone brighter than shown in the guidebook.

ノドグロヒタキ(Rufous-gorgeted Flycatcher)

Line drawing of Red-whiskered Bulbul. 


ロクショウヒタキ(Verditer Flycatcher)
Looking at this bird, I was imagining how to create this colour with my five primary colour inks for printmaking.

カンムリカヤノボリ(Crested Finchbill)
I am rather pleased with this sketch!

2 February 2017


Since last autumn, I was stuck at home all day, all week, all month, drawing birds and carving and printing linos. I came out of the house for about the fifth time this year on the 25th January...and flew to Thailand! I had another job to lead a birding tour. My hands definitely enjoyed this break the most.  

Lineated Barbet was kindly sitting there for a long time for all of us to enjoy watching and taking photos.

ハイガシラモズ(Burmise Shrike)

チャバネサシバ(Rufous-winged Buzzard)


Black-winged Kite(カタグロトビ)