
16 April 2019


We had a field sketching day on the 13rd April at Misato Park in Saitama. 
Nine people joined the event and most of us drew the colony of Great Cormorants.  

Since everyone drew the same thing from the same place, it was interesting to see what others have in their sketchbook.  
I started drawing the nest with grown-up chicks, everyone's favorite, and expanded the drawing to make a whole colony.  Pen and wash.     

We sat under cherry blossom!  It was such a pleasant weather and place to sketch.  




14 April 2019

Bologna Sketches

This Bologna trip was only possible because my husband, my mum, my grandma and my aunt all took turn looking after my baby while I was away for a week. And it was possible because they did it not only during this period but have been doing it since she was born. Baby knew them very well and was very used to spend time with them. So I could leave her without worrying too much.

My friend and I drew this Palazzo d'Accursio before entering it to see our classmate, Zack Rock's original works for "Homer Henry Hudson's Curio Museum" in the exhibition "Les Maitres De L'Imaginaire."  

I had a nice panino for sunday lunch with my friends and sketched the scene in the restaurant. 
I only did these two sketches during this trip because even in the evening after the fair, I was busy socialising!  It was the first time in months that I joined any parties.     


There are only a few things sold at the bookfair but my friends found this cute rabbit and bought it for my baby!  We named it sasaa, which means rabbit in Marathi, my friends' mother tongue. 
She's just started to move about and I often find her fallen off from the mattress these days.  

12 April 2019

Digital Cafe Talk

During the Bologna Children's Bookfair, I had a chance to talk about my work at Digital Cafe in a talk session organised by my professor, Martin Salisbury, with two other MA graduates, Sophie Burrows and Farren Phillips.

Hidden Digital: Illustrators and the Secret Life of the Computer. 
Well, my name was on the bookfair program! 

As you know, my works are far from digital so you must wonder what I had to say at Digital Cafe.  But I often plan my prints and illustration works with Photoshop before I actually start with traditional media.  Because especially with printmaking, it is hard to go back the process once I start carving the block.  
In reduction linocut method, which I used in making the "Magnificent Birds" book, the first few lines I cave, which turn to be paper white, are often the very highlight of the image.  So it was always good to see how much white I need in the final image, when starting the carving process.        

photo by Archit Vaze


photo by Ruchi Mhasane

The other two presenters were also not drawing entirely in digital but using photoshop to colour the image.  There was an interesting talk about how they pick the colour they want from millions of possible choices when you work in digital. 
Martin concluded the session saying that digital media can be a safety net for frightened illustrators!  

photo by Archit Vaze

This is a nice panoramic view of the Digital Cafe to show you the atmosphere. 
I asked my friends if they had one or two photos of me talking. And they'd sent me loads of them!  Thank you for coming to listen and taking pictures!  

英語どころか、日本語ですら人前で話す機会が少なくなっていて、日頃は「お口開けて、あーん」「ごろん、できたー! すごいねえ」などの言葉しか発していなかったので、頼まれたときはどうしようかと思ったが、とりあえず無事に終わってほっとした。

9 April 2019

Bologna Children's Book Fair



Since my works for the book published by Fukuinkan Shoten entered the Illustrators Exhibition 2019, they made a special panel about me to put up on their stand along side with three of my books.  

"Magnificent Birds" was on display at Walker Books.  
これまで仕事をしたスイスのAtlantis社やイギリスのWalker Booksの編集者やアートディレクターなどに挨拶してきた。編集者が変わったり、メールでしかやり取りしていなかったりで実際に顔を合わせるのは初めての人も多かった。

photo by Archit Vaze

"Magnificent Birds" were also sold at the book shop in the fair and my friend saw someone looking at it! 

Not just my books but I spotted books by our classmates from the MA course at Cambridge School of Art: Rosemary Shojaie's "The Snow Fox," Harriet Muncaster's Isadora Moon series, Yiting Lee's "美好動物園(An Ideal Zoo)," Zack Rock's "Good Story" and Ruchi Mhasane's "Dance of the Wild," which was selected for this year's International Youth Library.  We really are in the industry now. 
And there were a lot more by the MA graduates from different year. 

Of course, there was a Cambridge School of Art stand, displaying dummy books by current students.  I had a nice chat with my professor and some of the students.  
All these really brought me back to my student days, filled with energy and inspiration!  

8 April 2019

Bologna Illustrators Exhibition

I went to the Bologna Children's Book Fair 2019
to see my works exhibited in the Illustrators Exhibition!


photo by Archit Vaze



入選作は福音館書店から「ちいさなかがくのとも」シリーズの2017年10月号として出版された『きょうは たびびより』のイラスト5枚だ。
My selected work is illustrations for the book "A Perfect Day for Traveling" published by Fukuinkan Shoten Publisher, Tokyo in 2017.   

I saw someone discussing over my works!  They must have been wondering about the rubber stamp method, finding the same-shaped birds here and there in the illustration. 

Variety of artworks were selected for this year's exhibition.  Some are types of illustrations that you won't see in Japanese picture books.  And that is the charm of this exhibition and the book fair itself, being out of a country.   
You would forget that there are so many different kind yet beautiful and interesting works in the world if you stay in a country.  Because the books you see in bookshops are always those selected for that particular market.  But inspirations often come from something outside ordinary, beyond your comfort zone.     

photo by Mayumi Oono.  


We had opportunities to chat with some fellow selected illustrators.  Learning other artists' technique is always very interesting!  

My page in the Illustrators Annual!  


6月29日(土)〜8月12日(月・祝) 東京の板橋区立美術館
8月17日(土)〜9月23日(月・祝) 兵庫の西宮市大谷記念美術館
11月1日(金)〜12月8日(日) 石川の七尾美術館
12月14日(土)〜2020年1月19日(日) 群馬の太田市美術館・図書館 
The exhibition will come to Japan in June and exhibited in four museums in different cities and then head to South Korea and China!