
29 January 2022

Mum's Birthday Party

A few days ago was my wonderful mum's birthday. 
She's been the best mum and grandma ever. So my little one and I decided to throw a party for her. 
We set up tables and invited lots of little people and stuffed animals. My little one made a nice pot of acorn tea and cooked a Chinaberry dish, a Scycamore dish, a Chinese tallow dish, rubber and felt vege dish, pipe rice with sweet potato (rice = something from inside a pillow) and so on. 
The cake was a real one. A gorgeous fruit tart from a shop, which my husband and little one chose and preordered several days before.
I made a hand coloured print of a bat writer & translator.  My mum's blog title is "A Letter from a Bat" so I thought it would make a nice icon.  
My little one drew a bus with her granny and herself on it.  

4 January 2022

Winter Holidays

Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas & New year holidays.
We certainly did! 
We had Christmas Dinner on a beach, cooked in Dutch oven on an open fire. 
毎年恒例、クリスマスディナーは浜辺でダッチオーブンのローストチキン。 チビは海藻スープを作っていた……。
Santa brought Little one a wooden train painted (by one of his elves) in Saphir Odoriko colour (her favorite train that passes our place).
New Year's eve's outing was to see this enormous flock of Baikal Teals. 
In my area, the Baikal teal is a rare bird and normally, it is only be spotted one or two mixed in with Eurasian Teals. But I knew this bird makes a huge flock elsewhere in the world, such as in Korea, so I'd been wanting to see a flock of them. In that lake, some people counted tens of thousands of them.  I couldn't tell how many but when I looked through the scope I could just see many many heads with that unique swirl pattern.  Drawing them was very difficult since I soon lost track of which part of which bird that I was drawing.   
One dream came true right at the end of 2021!
ちいさなかがくのとも12月号の『わたし はくちょうを みたの』を買ったので、チビに本物のハクチョウを見せようと白鳥の郷も訪ねた。
Tundra Swans and Pintails. I wish it was a bit milder evening.  It was really cold! 
「なーんで すぐに ごはんだよーとか、おふろだよーってなっちゃうの?」と最近よく言うようになった。ただひたすら"今現在"を生きる時期を越えたんだなあ。その割に、早くご飯を食べて、早く服を脱いでお風呂に入って、早く寝間着に着替えて、また遊べる時間を作ろうと想像力を働かせるほどには時間の概念がないので、ぐだぐだと駄々こねて時が過ぎてしまい始末に悪い。
Long-billed Plover. 
チビは夫とストライダーを楽しんでくれていたのに、前を電車が通る遊水地だったので音がするとつい「あ、NEXが来た! あ、踊り子だ!チビちゃんと見ているかなあ」などと気になってしまいスケッチに集中できない……。ママ鉄病っていうやつだろうか。

1 January 2022

Happy New Year!


2022 is the year of the tiger but I've never seen a wild one in my life. So instead, I drew a Scaly Thrush or Tora-tsugumi, which means tiger thrush in Japanese. A few years ago, this bird appeared in a plum orchard very close to my place and stayed there for two months.  In the evening, when the sun sets behind the trees, the orchard scenery looks like the famous Ukiyoe painting by Utagawa Hiroshige.  
