
27 July 2022


Some nature sketches during this summer. 
Not being able to sketch in the field, I've been bringing back insects at home and drawing them.
最近、わたしが絵を描き始めると、チビが自分もやりたい、でもうまくできないと泣いた挙句に、妨害してくるのでちょっと嫌になっている。 でも気分さえのれば、チビもとっても良い絵を描いてくれる。そこにたどり着かせるまでが一苦労なのだが。

I found this moth perching on a leaf along a street one June afternoon. It didn't fly when I picked it up so I guess it was just after it emerged from the cocoon when I found it.
This is a sketch from a way back in May but I found this beautiful yet dead Oriental Odd-tooth Snake near my place!
幼稚園バスへの朝の送り帰りに、道にポトンと落ちているヘビの死体を発見。小さいなあ、幼蛇だと思って見たらアオダイショウじゃない!  シロマダラだ!  幼蛇かと思ったけれど、これで成体らしい。とっても綺麗な状態だった。
And in June, a pair of tree sparrow started nesting again in our balcony. This time at the hot-water bag that we put up last year when we wanted the pair of sparrows to move from the exterior unit of our air conditioner. We thought they started incubating. 
But for some reason, they abandoned the nest... We were so sad and was missing the chattering of sparrows for a long time.
昨年のエアコン室外機スズメ営巣事件後、冬の間忙しくてすっかり忘れていたのだが、5月29日、去年即席で取り付けた湯たんぽにスズメが出入りしている、と夫が気づいた。 見ていると、1日に何度も出入りしていて、時折草を持ってきているのも確認できる。交尾も確認した。


6 July 2022


7th of July is Tanabata, the star festival in Japan. 
Little one's preschool makes a big event of it so each family had to make a decoration. And this is what my mum came up with!  
Story of Tanabata is that only on the 7th of July, a weaver girl, symbolizing the star Vega, can see her lover, cowherd, symbolizing the star Altair, who is on the other side of the Milky Way.  There are several versions of the story but one says that a flock of magpies make a bridge across the Milky Way. So we decided to fly lots of magpies.
This beautiful metallic blue paper for the trains is actually a wrapping paper, which I bought in Bangkok something like twenty years ago.  I remember holding on to the paper tube while taking the wild canal boat at Khlong Saen Saep on the way back home. 
The decoration is now up on the bamboo at the preschool.