
27 September 2011


I went down to the printmaking studio just to try printing my moorhen linocut with the ink and the press. That was my very first experience of working actually in the studio since I generally work at home.

It is very interesting to see how different the out come is! With the printmaking ink and press it became more like a graphic design.


  1. Frank Koop11/10/11 20:44

    Hello Ting,
    I haven't look your blog for a long time because I had to do my own things. Anyway, I just wanted to see what have you done in these days. I can see more experiments. I have never done printmaking here in Cambridge but this is something very different. You are most stronger still drawing the birds with different techniques. I don't know anything about the birds but that is one reason why I still keep on eye sometimes at your blog because I can learn something if I look and read your comments. But only the birds and animals.

  2. Hi Frank!
    Thanks for visiting again. You should try printmaking! The studio is nice and all those methods are interesting.
    I am now looking for the right medium that suits my non-fiction story about the Moorhen.
