
30 December 2011

My Christmas Tree

My friend from kindergarten came here to visit me for Christmas. We went to Borough Market in London on Christmas Eve, where I got my tree!

Brussels sprout
This year I spent Christmas with my classmates. We cooked together, decorated our house and invited our friends. I will remember this for ever.
Now, Christmas is over and I've started to eat my tree.

23 December 2011

Merry Christmas!

This must be a Christmas tree for Crossbills.
I made this Christmas card inspired by the Christmas Tree Game in The Sense of Wonder by Rachel Carson.


Have a happy Christmas!

21 December 2011

Peck, peck, peck!

Sometimes it is nice to have deadline. It makes me work with concentration and finish it.

I finally printed the chicken's feeding scene properly for my entry for the V&A Illustration Awards 2012.

And I curved this duck in one morning!

20 December 2011

Postcard to Japan

After our TAYORI exhibition, we got in contact with Mr. Katagiri who were organizing a similar project called "Postcards to Japan." I sent this postcard of Brent and it is now exhibited at an art space in Iwate Museum of Art.

会期:2011年12月18日(日)〜 2012年2月26日(日)
場所:岩手県立美術館 アートスペース

18 December 2011


"There is a time, between night and day, when landscapes sleep. Only the earliest riser sees that hour."
Tom's Midnight Garden by Philippan Pearce


13 December 2011

Little Brown

I finally came to the point to put up all my images into pages. My final project is a story about Little Brown, a Moorhen juvenile, who helps his parents for their second breeding.

Before the summer, I wouldn't imagine me working in such a graphic way. But now I feel linocut became my medum.

11 December 2011

after the crit

The last Thursday was the final critique and the last class. I feel really sad to face the fact that we are almost at the end of this MA course.
I am so glad that I came here. I've learned a lot from all the tutors, classmates and all the books that I saw in the studio. And more than that I had a great time during this course!
We still have a month for the submission and two months for the graduation exhibition. Everybody's works are amazing so I am very much looking forward to the show. It will be amazing! But at the same time, I know that is going to be the real end...
Let's not think about that and keep working hard!

I gave myself a day off and went to Saffron Walden yesterday. After concentrating on creating final images for a few months, it was nice to go back to observation drawing.

7 December 2011

Blackberry pattern

My ideas for the endpapers. It requires a lot of thinking to make textile design with the repetition of a pattern.
How about having a curtain or wrapping paper with these?

All afternoon and evening I was working in Photoshop using my friend's pen tablet, which was amazingly comfortable and friendly to my hands and fingers!
It became one of the things that I would love to buy once I get a book deal...I am just dreaming!

5 December 2011

Paper Bird

It's only a paper bird, hanging over a baby cot...

今年は18日に毎年恒例の行徳でカワウをカウントするイベントCCC(Christmas Cormorant Count)が開かれるようだ。面識のない後輩から「今年度のCCCに参加できるでしょうか」というメールをもらったときは、忘れずに誘ってくれたことがうれしかった反面、不参加と即答せざるを得ない寂しさがあった。
CCCのためにPaper Birdのカワウバージョンをデザインした。今日、無事に刷り上がったらしい。 CCCに参加される方、お楽しみに!

水鶏堂のPaper Bird
This is my new product series called "Paper Bird". It is a very simple bird mobile but I hope to show the different birds' flying formation. Someday I would love to make several bird species and make them into a craft book and/or a guide book of flying birds.

アオバト・モビール (Japanese Green Pigeon)


29 November 2011

Student life

December is just around the corner and we only have two more classes. And that is going to be the end of my student life.
My mother used to say that I should definitely go to university not because that it would give me enough knowledge nor a chance to get a nice job, but because the days I could spend as a university student would be the best time in my life. Now, I am really grateful that I could have one year and a half extra student life in England.

In the final stage of the MA course, we are far too busy and stressed with works to enjoy the rest of the days. The end always comes too quickly.

20 November 2011


昨年のCOP10から関わらせていただいている「想いでつなごう おりがみプロジェクト」の冊子が先月できあがった。

The booklet for the COP10 Let's Origami Project, which I was working on this spring, has finally printed.

14 November 2011

It's supper time!

I started to work on the other project as well. The idea is from my Japanese friend and it is a very simple baby story about feeding birds.

I wanted to try in different media but my professor said that I should develop my lino world. So I am still carving and carving!

12 November 2011

Poppy Day

There were two minutes of silence in the printmaking room yesterday and I learned that it was the Remembrence Day. And that was the reason why a lot of people were waring a poppy flower badge. It reminded me of the August before I came here. I was researching in the middle of a paddy field or a wheat field on the atomic-bomb day in Saitama prefecture and there was an announcement from the speakers in the town asking people for a minute of silence. In Japan, November the 11th is just the day for Pocky...

A sketch of Poppy flowers from this summer. I wanted to sit in a poppy field but I missed the opportunity...

8 November 2011

Kruk! Kruk!

This Thursday we will have a middle crit. That means the final project is supposed to be half way done...time really flew.

And making a page takes so long. Every time I print something, I have something wrong. So I feel like reprinting the same images again and again and do not have any progress. I wish I could have longer and weekend open access to the printmaking studio!

7 November 2011



My mini monoprint of acorns from the leftover ink.

It was supposed to be a Barn Owl.
I found it very fun to play around with printmaking process. But I have to think that I will not be able to use that uni studio with press and everything after I graduate. So I started to try mini printmaking at home with a cutting board and butter knives. I might buy a nice roller...should I or should I not...?

30 October 2011


Halloween is coming! We carved a pumpkin, roasted the seeds and baked a pumpkin pie using the pumpkin filling imported from USA by my friend's friend. I heard that children come and say trick or treat only to the house with lighted pumpkin. We are planning to put ours up somewhere outside the gate on Monday. But I doubt if anybody will come because our gate sets back far from the street.

Ghost images from my moorhen stamps.

When I was working in the printmaking studio with my stamps, I was told that I should to try getting the ghost images by putting tissue paper on the ink left on the surface and rubbing the images with my finger or wooden spoon.
It was something I would never think of! It's nice to work with people from different major

24 October 2011

Raptor Foundation

Last Thursday, we finally got three huge boxes of the art materials that we ordered in bulk with classmates! Now I have loads of linos to carve.
I wonder why they made the lino in dark colour. I found carving a lino is much more difficult than carving a rubber stump. And it is not only because the lino is harder than the rubber, its dark colour makes it difficult to see the line, which I draw on. I suppose they could dye the lino in any colour!

I was told to try drawing children with linocut so I did!
A boy and a Barn Owl from the visit to the Raptor Foundation.



22 October 2011

Green Finch

I have loads of sketches from the summer and the birdwatching trips recently, which I want to finish and put up on this blog. I know one takes only a few minutes or so. But when I have this huge final project in front of me, I don't feel like doing anything else. This is very bad. I should do it for a change!

Days are getting shorter here and half past seven is still really dark. But at least we have very clear sky these days. I hope the sky above Bangkok becomes like this and dry everything up in stead of bringing another rain!

16 October 2011


It is hard to decide which way to go. Choosing one means dropping the other one.

Above two are printed with my stamp pad. I love their soft touch but they are weak.

And those are printed with the printmaking inks at the studio. The bold touch is attractive but somehow the Moorhens do not nicely settle down in the background.
I wonder which one you prefer.

7 October 2011




The Narcissus Flycatcher backpack that I designed.
ブログではもしかしたら初公開? 巨大黍団子のキビリュック。メジロリュック(予定)とともに各限定一名さまです。

日時:2011年10月22日(土)9:30 -16:00
10月23日(日)9:30 -15:00
会場:千葉県我孫子市 アビスタ・手賀沼親水広場(JR我孫子駅からシャトルバスまたは徒歩)
わたしは水の館前のワイバード ブースでグッズ販売、アビスタ一階のJBF2011 ワイルドライフアート展に2作品を出す予定です。


2 October 2011

Morecambe Bay

It was almost a month ago, I went to see the Morecambe Bay. I just wanted to see the enormous flat land and waders.

Humphrey Head
During this trip I really thought that I had been spoiled by all my friends from Cambridge RSPB group. They always kindly pick me up at my place, take me to nice sanctuary or birding spots and drive me safely back home.
Since Morecambe Bay is an enormous area which has a great tidal range and birds have wings to go anywhere along with the tide, it was difficult to get to the right place at the right moment to watch them.
On Sunday morning, I decided to walk toward Humphrey Head following the Cumbria Coastal Way and found myself standing in the mud! But it seemed to be the right way. With a kind gentleman who was also walking along the coastal way, we walked to the Humphrey Head in the mud.
Most of the time I was alone between the huge sky and huge mudflat.
There was a lovely wheatear hoping around but no waders...

Walking back to the Grange-over-sands I finally saw a huge flock of waders and waterfowls such as Oystercatchers, Shellducks and Curlews.

Numbers of tiny dots on the huge mudflat was, I think, the true scene of Morecambe Bay.

27 September 2011


I went down to the printmaking studio just to try printing my moorhen linocut with the ink and the press. That was my very first experience of working actually in the studio since I generally work at home.

It is very interesting to see how different the out come is! With the printmaking ink and press it became more like a graphic design.

23 September 2011


It's the Autumnal Equinox Day and I looked back the long long summer. Now I can smell autumn in the wind, as I did when I came to Cambridge last year.

Wheatear (ハシグロヒタキ)

It was a summer with the sea, freezing in the wind!

15 September 2011

Moorhen mother

Another moorhen!
Long summer is over and the new term has just started. Meeting new students reminded me the fact that I only have the final project to do. I wonder what will happen afterward with both hope and anxiety.

12 September 2011



11 September 2011


It seems that the charity exhibition, TAYORI - Postcards for Japan, was very successful!
Thank you so much for coming to the show. And thank you, Becky and others who organized this wonderful event. Well done everybody who participated in!

東日本大震災から半年。わたしが在籍するChildren's Book Illustrationコースの学生と卒業生、チューターで、地震と津波で被害にあった子どもたちを支援するためのチャリティ展覧会を開いた。ポストカードサイズの原画を展示・販売し、売り上げをTeachers For Japanという震災後に宮城県で教えていたALTが中心となって立ち上げたNPOに寄付をするというものだ。60人以上のアーティストが参加、127枚のポストカードが集まり、先週の月曜日に開かれた内覧会も大盛況だった。ケンブリッジからの気持ちばかりのお便りだ。

8 September 2011


Moorhen chicks.
Trying new media made me look at things differently especially when I have less freedom in drawing shapes and using colour.

6 September 2011

In Her Prime

It's been a year since I came here in England! And I really think that this is my "prime time". I can say that last one was my best year in my life so far. I thank you all who have supported me in many ways and cheered me up.

One of my dreams to sketch in the heather field came true in Land's End. Heathers were so soft and nice to touch compared to spiky Gorse bush next to them.

We watched a play, The prime of Miss Jean Brodie at the Minack Theatre. It is an open theatre facing to the sea, made by a lady, Rowena Cade.
It was a wonderful evening although we were freezing. While we were watching the play, Gannets were flying behind and a seal popped up from the sea. As the play went on, the white clouds changed the colour into pink and then purple. By the time the play finished sky above us was full of stars!
Thank you so much, Hannah and her mother, for giving us the lift back to Penzance!

1 September 2011

Nesting Moorhen

Nesting Moorhen and Purple loosestrife.
In some places they still have some chicks in the nest!
I spent whole morning trying to print it properly. It is so difficult to handle several layers of rubber stamps.

◇◆◇ Tayori - Postcard for Japan ◇◆◇
One of the members of our MA course came up with this wonderful idea of having a charity exhibition to raise funds in support of relief efforts in Japan, following the earthquake, tsunami! I posted two postcards so you may find mine as well.

Dates: 5th - 10th September 2011
Opening times: 8am – 5pm Monday – Saturday
Place: Michaelhouse Café
St. Michael's Church,Trinity Street, Cambridge CB2 1SU
01223 309 147

29 August 2011


We just wanted to see the Land's End.
The pink heather carpet ended at the sheer cliff and the blue sea stretched out in front of us. And this was the starting point of our wonderful hiking!

地の果ての守り神、ベニハシガラス Red-billed Chough

Crossing the Sea

St. Michael's Mount

When we decided to walk across, the tide was already quite high. We were stupidly wearing jeans and I had short legs.
But we made it.
Although our lower body got completely soaked and had to bask in the sun for a while, I still think that we had no choice but trying it.
It was just like Titty, Roger and Bridget crossing the Red Sea in the Secret Water! I hope I have a chance to visit the Hamford Water someday.

24 August 2011

British Bird Fair

先週末ラットランドで開かれたBritish Birdwatching Fairに行ってきた。世界最大級のバードフェアは、東京/ジャパン・バードフェスティバルと似ているようでいて、ずいぶんと雰囲気が違った。一番の印象は、FestivalではなくてFairなのだということだ。良くも悪くも商業的、営利的で、世界各国からの旅行会社ブースがほとんどを占めている。そして大天幕ひとつがアーティスト用になっており、有名な野生動物画家のオリジナル、プリントがたくさん展示/販売されている。画家本人がその場にいることもあり、非常に刺激を受けた! 欲しい本もいっぱいいっぱいあったのだが・・・
