I spent a week or so in Thailand. This trip was very special to me. I went on two birdwatching trips with Aj Kamol Komolphalin and lovely birdwatching friends of mine. More than ten years have passed since I first joined Aj Kamol's birdwatching tour and was so impressed by him as a bird leader and as an artist. This time I could sketch birds all the time next to him! Slowly, I am getting a little bit closer to him.
Red-beareded Bee-eater (ムネアカハチクイ)
Dark-sided Flycatcher (サメビタキ)
I was drawing this and missed the great hornbill. But these days I prefer to observe a bird long enough to draw than to have a brief look at a rare bird. So I pretended that I didn't mind...
Flavescent Bulbul was bathing with morning dew on a fern. (カオジロヒヨドリ)