
21 May 2013


Don't let it be forgot
That once there was a spot
For one brief shining moment

A chapter of our life is ending. It was a wonderful, dreamy time in a bubble. It is hard to accept that we each have to go our own way now. It is going to be tough to keep the dream when we are separated in a small individual bubble floating in the vast world and reality will strike us harder. But we will think back on all the tales that we remember of the days! (And let's see what will happen in 24 years from now.)

9 May 2013


We spent half an hour or more debating whether or not we should go and see a flamenco show. And we did! The energy in the dance was incredible!

I couldn't help pulling out my sketchbook and try catching the movement and the lines.

Sometimes I can get stronger, fresher lines when it is quick.

Doñana National Park

We visited the Doñana National Park, the Europe's largest nature park and the natural heritage site. It was honestly "my day" during the trip!


Part of the Ermita de El Rocío.

Squacco Heron(カンムリサギ)
There was a variety of big waders, purple herons, night herons, cattle egrets, glossy ibises, spoonbills, white storks and and...flamingos!!!

Corn Bunting (ハタホオジロ)
In the woodland and the field, we saw bee-eaters, woodchat shrikes, a great grey shrike, serins, a pied flycatcher, azure-winged magpies...

Our guide had an amazing eye and he spotted this little owl sitting camouflaged in the dead tree trunk.

Black-winged stilt was one of the commonest birds there. When they sit on their nests, their long legs stick out strangely!

8 May 2013


My friend and I made our farewell trip to Andaluía, Spain. We needed the bright happy sun. Spain was beautiful. The buildings have white bare walls with mustard coloured frames and black decorative fences and they all shine in the sun!

Glorieta Curro Romeo
I don't know how many hours we spent looking at this scenery talking about art and beauty and life and ethic. Orange trees were everywhere in Seville. I realised that how vegetation can change the atmosphere of the place. Seville looked tropical with the palm trees, bougainvillea, trees with entwined roots.


We also spent quite a long time under the huge wood structure looked like mushrooms, the Metropol Parasol. This is a sketch from there. Lots of tiles are used in the buildings. Lapis lazuli colour matches very well with the mustard frames.

We also visited Cordoba for a day. We found this lovely alley way with geranium hanging from the windows and started to sketch. While we were in the middle of drawing, a young man from the nearby hotel came out and asked us if we would like to see and sketch the roof top view of the city.

So some minutes later we found ourselves sitting in a comfortable chair with cushion on a terrace under a parasol. Thank you so much!

5 May 2013

Water Voles

Water voles were very active and eating grass right next to a trail. They eat so fast and non-stop!

It was warm day and they looked like having so much fun swimming in the water.

I would have loved to stay there for hours and hours sketching. I wish I could go back there easily and watch them, thinking about the next story idea...

There was a tunnel that had one end on the bank and another one under the water. Sometimes, they poked their face out from the hole and looked around. They were so cute!

Nice couple of Wheatear.

Black-tailed Godwits were all turning to beautiful summer plumage. It was high tide time and they were roosting at the inland water with their beak tacked inside. So I was trying hard to draw the ones of preening and ended up with lots of lines which make no sense.