
5 May 2013

Water Voles

Water voles were very active and eating grass right next to a trail. They eat so fast and non-stop!

It was warm day and they looked like having so much fun swimming in the water.

I would have loved to stay there for hours and hours sketching. I wish I could go back there easily and watch them, thinking about the next story idea...

There was a tunnel that had one end on the bank and another one under the water. Sometimes, they poked their face out from the hole and looked around. They were so cute!

Nice couple of Wheatear.

Black-tailed Godwits were all turning to beautiful summer plumage. It was high tide time and they were roosting at the inland water with their beak tacked inside. So I was trying hard to draw the ones of preening and ended up with lots of lines which make no sense.

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