
2 July 2014



Hypselodoris festiva
It's been hot and I can feel that proper summer days are coming!  I went to a rocky shore to find sea slugs.

リュウモンイロウミウシ(Hypselodoris maritima)


ハマナデシコ(Dianthus japonicus)
I think, drawing plants requires so much patience! And I seem to loose it even before I finish one flower!

スカシユリ(Lilium maculatum)

Having fun at the rocky shore, I remembered my first tide pool watching experience. I had to dig out my old notebook from the 3rd of July, 2004, when I was a high school student.

In those days, I would only carry a tiny note like this in the field.  I could only draw a few lines.  I think the doodle on the bottom right is the sea slug, which I painted this time.  

And after coming back home, I would spend all my time writing my field diary, copying guidebooks.     I miss those days. I didn't have to to do anything else and I could learn so much about nature.

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