
11 April 2015

Bologna Children's Book Fair

As I had been promising to everyone, I visited the Bologna Children's Book Fair this year, the heart of the picture book world. 
I was just so happy to be there surrounded by amazing books, talking about books with two of my best friends (+ one as a sprit) from my class.  It was the same as our old days.   
ボローニャ国際児童図書展に行ってきた! 3度目なので、なんとなく勝手はわかってきたけれど、それでも原画展に飾られている絵や各国のブースに並べられている絵本のクオリティの高さに圧倒される。イラストレーターとして引きこもって生活していると、目にするもの、触れるものが限られてしまうから、ときどきこうして文字通り「世界」に出て刺激を受けて、絵を見る目や価値観をレベルアップするのは大切な気がする。

The Bologna Children's Book Fair is a place to go to learn about the industry, get inspired and feel motivated and realise that there are many illustrators in the world who are trying to get started just like me and I am not  a lonely crazy one.

And look!  My "Weihnachtsspuren im Winterwald" was on the Atlantis verlag's shelf!  I felt that I became a part of the book fair...just a tiny little part, but still!

Having gelato with our coursemate in the city centre, we sketched at a piazza.  It is so nice that we can get together in Bologna.  I was glad to find familiar faces from the MA course and some of our tutors as well as people from the summer workshop at the Itabashi Museum.

After the fair, three of us traveled for a few days just as we did a few years ago. It was amazing that we started to talk as if we had kept living together and the two years, that we spent our life differently, wasn't there.  We went straight to our usual talks about art, nature and culture, which we used to do sitting at our corridor with a cup of coffee in hand.

Have a look at Yiting's lovely blog post about our trip, as well.  

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