
16 July 2015

Farne Islands

I finally looked back my sketchbook from my Northumberland trip and scanned the images in!


Eiders at the harbour in Seahouses. ホンケワタガモがいっぱい。

そして翌日、風が強く、沖にあるStaple島は周りを回っただけだったが、Inner Farneへは上陸できた。ナショナル・トラストにより管理されており、Staple島は午前中のみ、Inner Farneは午後のみと、一般の人が上陸できる時間が制限されている。

We were welcomed by the arctic terns' attack, of course!  Each nest had a numbered stone nearby for research purpose.  

Farne Islands are the place for puffins.  So I did lots of their sketches. But because of its unique bill shape, it took me a long time to get the hang of how to draw them. And since we could only spend two and a half hours on the island, it was rather difficult.

Shags were nesting there, too.  (ヨーロッパヒメウ)

I was sitting and drawing this shag on the nest and got lots of birds' dropping on me!

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