
24 November 2015

Snow Monkeys

I went to draw snow monkeys at Jigokudani in Nagano!
野生動物とは出会いは「野山で偶然」というのが好きなので、餌付けされた猿を見に行くのはあまり興味がなかったのだが、外国人の知り合いが増えて、地獄谷野猿公苑には一度は行かなくてはと思うようになった。なにしろ自然好きのイギリス人は、わたしが日本人だと知るや否や、「寿司を食べたことがある。好きだ(or 嫌いだ)」の次に「日本にスノーモンキーを見に行きたい」と言いだすのだ。温泉に浸かる猿が、京都のお寺よりも、富士山よりも先だとは!

It was actually my first time visiting there.  I did not pay much attention to this monkey in hot spring before I lived in the UK and leaned that it is one of the iconic image of nature in Japan. 


I planned to go in November so that it's cold enough but not too much for drawing and especially that I could make next year's new year's card in time.  Next one is the year of monkey.   I thought the monkey should come every day with no problem.  They are fed there.
But looking at the park's news in mid-November, I realised that monkeys had not been there for more than two weeks.  They are wild ones and they have a choice of not coming down. That is good in a way.

I leaned that during the mating season, they are not stable and tend to roam about as well as fight with each other. Luckily they decided to come down to the park on the days I visited.


Many of them were drinking hot water at the bath.

Yoga in the hot spring.

And meditates afterward.


20 November 2015

School Visit


My first experience of a school visit at an elementary school in Oiso.  Children were all so excited and I was asked massive number of questions about the grey heron.  "How big is a heron's chick?"  "What' is the role of a heron?"  "Can they fish at night?"


Sketching rabbits and ducks and buildings with children.
"Have a look, duck has webs on its feet.  So you should draw it."


19 November 2015


Earlier this month, I helped a family birdwatching event at a city park in Kawasaki.



After the event, I watched them playing. 

This little rascal had his time making a fountain and getting wet and all the other kids joined him, too.  Looked so fun!  I wish to go back to the days when I was just happy to get wet and didn't bother anything like "I can not get wet now because I have to go back by train."   

15 November 2015

Winter migrants

I had a walk in a woodland and was greeted by several winter birds, black-faced buntings, hawfinches and a dusky thrush!


This was my first hawfinch of the season.

This already-very-tame black-faced bunting was feeding on a path literary in front of me.  They normally start doing it more often in the end of winter but it's still November and they have just arrived in the area!  I wish I had completed the drawing but someone had to go pass and it decided to fly away.

Common Stinkhorn
スッポンタケ。胞子は粘着質でドロドロして、なかなか臭い! この匂いで虫を呼び寄せ、胞子を散布してもらうとは、なんとも不思議なキノコだ。

4 November 2015



◆◇◆ 行徳やちょかん祭り ◆◇◆
Another festival at Gyotoku Bird Observatory on the 7th Novebmer!  
日時:2015年11月7日(土) 10:00-15:00
場所:千葉県市川市 行徳野鳥観察舎および観察舎前の芝生

Japan Bird Festival was a real success. Cold but fairly clear days and lots of people came to visit us.  I exhibited those two watercolour paintings, both from my trip to Tohoku last year.

And I am very happy to tell you that this painting of the whooper swans was sold!

『Don't Disturb!』
