
19 February 2016


Here are my sketches from the field sketching day at Kiyosumi Garden on the 7th of February.  And this is the link to the official report including the participants' works.

Kiyosumi Garden was made and owned by Iwasaki family, the founder of Mitsubishi in Meiji era.  Back then there was a big western mansion designed by Josiah Conder.
Unfortunately, the big fire set off after the earthquake in 1923 damaged the building and it was taken down.  But being surrounded by trees, inside this garden was quite safe during the fire and saved many people's lives.




キンクロハジロ(Tufted Duck)

Harriers show

The breathtaking scene we had during the Thai trip was on the penultimate evening. We were taken to a simple hide made of reeds by a lake.  I thought it was much better than a wooden steady hide because we could open watching holes anywhere on the wall of reed according to the number of people and the hight we prefer. The wholes can be closed easily by putting the reeds together.

We waited as it got darker. 

Suddenly, a Pied Harrier came and sat on the ground in front of us.   A stunning male!  I started sketching him through the spotting scope.    

Then I noticed that there were a female and a male sitting close to each other a bit further a head.  I started sketching them, too, not realising what was happening.  

When I looked up with naked eye, I was astonished!  There were not just one or two pied harriers but more than 40 of them!  Mostly male pied harriers and several female and a few Eastern Marsh Harriers.  
I'd never imagined to see so many harriers at once.

クロノビタキ(Pied Bushchat)

キバラクロシメ♀(Spot-winged Grosbeak)
We went to Nam pu roon, a hot spring, where a geyser moistens trees with salty water. Birds such as this Spot-winged Grosbeak comes to the trees to lick the salt.  

カンムリオウチュウ(Hair-crested Drongo)


Two purple birds together! Purple Heron and Purple Swamphens.


Little Pratincoles at Mae Nam Khong. (ヒメツバメチドリ)

カタグロツメバゲリ(River Lapwing)

This is the end of my Thai birds' posts!

14 February 2016

Doi Lang 2016

This year, we had two days at Doi Lang, which has several bird feeding spots and is one of the best places to photograph birds in Thailand. 
What I love about Doi Lang is, though, that sometimes bird wave passes us when we are sitting quietly or eating lunch. When it happens, all the sudden, we are surrounded by birds. And it is almost impossible to check each bird. Everybody is watching different birds, different species. It's a magical moment.
But since I am too busy watching and describing what birds are where then,  I never get a chance to sketch anything of that moment.  I'll just keep it in my memory.  

ウンター麺? そんなもの聞いたことないぞ?
 この「ウンター麺」騒動があったおかげで、今回、タイ人のガイドが「ウンターマリン フライキャッチャー」と言ったときはすぐにピンときた。ウルトラマリンだ!

ノドジロヒタキ White-gorgeted Flycatcher, a bird with a large head compared to its body size.

ノドグロビタキGuidebook only tells us as a black and brown bird with orange necklace but sometimes, it looks blue. Deep ultramarine blue!

ミミグロダルマエナガ(Spot-breasted Parrotbill. )

Once it starts singing happily, it stays singing for quite a while. A very characteristic bird!

マミジロマルハシ(White-browed Scimitar Babbler)


カオグロヒタキ(Slaty-blue Flycatcher)It was again looked much bluer than the bird guide book's illustration.

ヒメオウチュウ(Bronzed Drongo) It was small and in distance but nonetheless beautiful shone in the evening sun.

Crested Bunting is Japanese birders' target bird because it is on Japanese bird list, being once spotted on Iriomote island in May, 1987!  

A flock started feeding on the road. But It is a cautious bird and doesn't let us come closer than 20-30 metres. Good enough distance if you are only watching through a spotting scope though.

13 February 2016

Happy Valentine's Day

Wish you a lovely day!

Are these bird chocolates more appropriate on Easter, perhaps?



ノドジロヒヨドリ(Brown-breasted Bulbul)

I love it's red bill and red feet!  

There were three Sooty-headed bulbuls perching next to each other.

A flock of black bulbuls. They were a bit in distance but I could see all of them in a view through spotting scope.

I have no idea why but Flavescent bulbul's Japanese name literary means "white faced bulbul." Surely, it's grey-faced, isn't it?

ミヤマヒヨドリ(Mountain bulbul)

6 February 2016

North Thailand

I visited North Thailand again in mid January leading a birdwatching tour.  It was nice to be back in Thailand.  The minute I stepped off from the airplane and smelled the air in Bangkok, all good and bad memories came back to me.  I wished I stopped by at Bangkok for a few days.
We started birding from the second day.  

I learned that this bird's funny name Avadavat came from an Indian city, Ahmedabad in Gujarat, which was the heart of the bird's pet trade. I would rather like to call it by its other name, Strawberry finch.  It's much cuter and tells exactly how it looks like.


This is one bird species I'd learnt its Thai name during this trip! นกจับแมลงหัวเทา (nok jap maleen hua tao) literary means Grey-headed Flycatcher!


This year, we were lucky, again! We had a good view of the Rusty-naped Pitta, two of them!  

Pitta is a very shy bird.  I could see him (or her) for almost all the time we were there but a great deal of time, he stayed behind the bamboo bush and I could only make out either his head or bottom.   

Large Niltava(オオアオヒタキ)。


A group of Blue-winged Minlas were enjoying Himalayan Cherry blossom.(ルリハコバシチメドリ)。

3 February 2016




今年も、遠くは長野や福島からのお客さま! 何かにつながりそうな新しい出会いもあったし、高校、大学時代の仲間が忘れずにたずねてくれたのもうれしい。母や叔父、祖母の知り合いまできてくださった。

Our week group exhibition had finished last Saturday.  It was a busy and an exciting time.  

We were eight of us and a good mixture.  All had different media, subjects and styles yet drawing animals and birds. 

This was a part of my corner.  As I started creating new linoprints for this exhibition, I realised that all of them were seabirds. 

So I decided to make this seabird panel, too!  They are all made of rubber stamp print.

Photo below are other artists'.    

Chie Isogai's corner.

Hiromi Kobayashi's corner.

Keiko Sakabe's corner.

Haruko Nakajima's corner.

Aki Matsumoto's corner.

Kisui Muto's corner.

Yuca Watabe's corner.


◆◇◆ ワイルドライフアート展2016 「水と生きものたち」◆◇◆
会期:2016年2月9日(火)~14日(日) 9:00~16:30(最終日は15:00まで)
会場:新宿御苑インフォメーションセンター1F アートギャラリー