
14 February 2016

Doi Lang 2016

This year, we had two days at Doi Lang, which has several bird feeding spots and is one of the best places to photograph birds in Thailand. 
What I love about Doi Lang is, though, that sometimes bird wave passes us when we are sitting quietly or eating lunch. When it happens, all the sudden, we are surrounded by birds. And it is almost impossible to check each bird. Everybody is watching different birds, different species. It's a magical moment.
But since I am too busy watching and describing what birds are where then,  I never get a chance to sketch anything of that moment.  I'll just keep it in my memory.  

ウンター麺? そんなもの聞いたことないぞ?
 この「ウンター麺」騒動があったおかげで、今回、タイ人のガイドが「ウンターマリン フライキャッチャー」と言ったときはすぐにピンときた。ウルトラマリンだ!

ノドジロヒタキ White-gorgeted Flycatcher, a bird with a large head compared to its body size.

ノドグロビタキGuidebook only tells us as a black and brown bird with orange necklace but sometimes, it looks blue. Deep ultramarine blue!

ミミグロダルマエナガ(Spot-breasted Parrotbill. )

Once it starts singing happily, it stays singing for quite a while. A very characteristic bird!

マミジロマルハシ(White-browed Scimitar Babbler)


カオグロヒタキ(Slaty-blue Flycatcher)It was again looked much bluer than the bird guide book's illustration.

ヒメオウチュウ(Bronzed Drongo) It was small and in distance but nonetheless beautiful shone in the evening sun.

Crested Bunting is Japanese birders' target bird because it is on Japanese bird list, being once spotted on Iriomote island in May, 1987!  

A flock started feeding on the road. But It is a cautious bird and doesn't let us come closer than 20-30 metres. Good enough distance if you are only watching through a spotting scope though.

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