
9 May 2016

In Search of Spring Migrants

From the end of April to the early May we have so called "Golden Week," a week holiday. On the first day, I went out to watch birds with four very skilled young birders, looking for migrants. 

Reed bed was lively with songs of Oriental Reed Warblers and Zitting Cisticolas, all celebrating spring.  An Eastern Marsh Harrier was scanning over the reed and a flock of Whimbrels flew above us. It was just pleasant to be there.

There was a flock of Ruffs and Long-billed Dowichers. One male Ruff was almost in breeding plumage and his head was in beautiful orange.



The Marsh Sandpiper (left) and the Wood Sandpipers.



Three Oriental Pratincoles were sitting on a ground with dandelions and daisy fleabanes.

Japanese Swamp Warbler

We finished our birding at a floodgate looking down a reed bed again. Reed turned orange with the last sun of the day. Whimbrels gathered to roost and made a big flock in the sky.

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