
8 July 2016


It's been a long time since I joined this seabird research in Sagami Bay. What was I doing since? 

It was a clear sunny day in mid-June and the sea was calm, too.  A Long-tailed Skua flew above us first thing in the morning. 



This year we had many sitings of the Short-tailed Shearwater in the area.  This bird breeds in Australia during its summer time and come up north passing our area during May and June.  

And some unfortunate ones like this poor bird, get so tired during the epic migration and can not help but rest on the sea surface.
This one was shutting its eyes and could not even pay attention to our boat.  Some are blown or washed too close to the land and stranded.  I saw several dead ones on the shore during June.  



Ancient Murrelets.

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