
4 August 2016

Vision for Nature

Recently, A Focus on Nature, the UK's youth nature network, launched a report called "Vision for Nature." It gathers views and thoughts from over 200 young people on how they want the natural world to be in 2050 and how we can get there.  It is nicely put together and worth reading.  You can find the whole PDF here.
"It's meant to form the start of the conversation...and we're clear that we'd like to work with Governments, businesses and NGOs to make this vision a reality" wrote the associate director of the network.
 It's really inspiring to know that there are young people thinking and acting on these matters!

2015年11月号のBIRDER誌の「英吉利流バードウォッチング」連載でも紹介したA Focus on Natureという自然保護活動家のネットワーク団体が作成した、若者200人の思いを集めた50ページ以上にもなるレポートが出された。2050年にどんな自然環境を保ちたいか、そのためには何ができるかなどをまとめたもので、これから議員や企業などにも働きかけていくという。


And I contributed this little illustration of Kittiwake colony.

1 comment:

  1. The colony at Sizewell in Suffolk?
