
シリケンイモリ(sword-tail newt)


沖縄県の鳥、ノグチゲラ。ヤンバルクイナではないんだ、と思ったが、制定時の1972年にはまだヤンバルクイナが発見されていなかったので選びようもなかったわけだ。 ノグチゲラの名前の由来は誰なのだろうと思ったが、よくはわかっていないらしい。ノグチゲラの標本を大英博物館に送ったジェームズ・プライヤーやブラキストンなどの通詞としても活躍した野口源之助という説があるようだ。
During the short evening walk, we spotted the Okinawa Woodpecker. It was pearching on the trunk of a tree and did not move as the sky got darker and darker. Perhaps it was her roosting spot.

グンバイヒルガオ(Beach morning glory)
It's runner was running across the sandy beach freely, making an abstract drawing.

We walked along the river Ie in Sosu. It is an ancle-deep, wide river at the starting point, where the river flows into the sea. But you get to a waterfall basin after just five minute walk up the river and to go over it, you have to swim through it.
I had never swum in such basin before so the scenery under water really surprised me. It was much deeper than what I imagined from the out side of the water. And there were quite a lot of fish, mostly spotted flagtails and rockflagtails but a giant mottled eel , too.


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