
ホシバシペリカン(Spot-biled Pelican)
It was rather odd to see a flock of pelicans on trees together with Black-crowned Night Herons and Little Cormorants.


I was very happy to see this Indian Darter. The snake-shaped long neck figure looked exactly like those of the natural history illustrations like one of John Gould's and American Anhinga by J. J. Audubon. I opened my copy of "Treasury of Audubon Birds." It smelled like a foreign country.

We visited a Barn Owl at a temple in the evening. We admired this white ghost for a while, some watched, some photographed and I drew.
It flew somewhere and we decided to call an end to the day's birding.
Just after we went back to the car, it started to pour. Everyone was glad about this good timing. We only had to go straight to the restaurant and to the hotel.
But I wondered what the owl was doing that night, in that heavy rain.
It must have been an awful timing for him/her, just after managing to escape from the human's gaze.

Purple Heron (ムラサキサギ)

Collared Kingfisher(ナンヨウショウビン)

Alexandrine Parakeet (オオホンセイインコ)

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