
15 April 2017


Although both my mum and I were just before the deadline of projects, we sneaked out of the house to enjoy the cherry blossom.  Cherry blossom season is only about a week and it doesn't wait for us!
We happened to find a secret line of cherry trees on a ridge overlooking allotments in this busy urban neighborhood.  It was perfect only if we shut our ears.  The place was so noisy with traffic!  Lucky that sound doesn't show in a picture.     

For the last few months, I had been making many many images of reduction linocut.  So my eyes naturally started to look at this scenery thinking how to draw it with reduction method.  Cherry blossom would be a very good subject for it.  

And now for the next project, I will have to start to look at things with black and white.  It's a challenge to suddenly switch how you view objects.  




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