
2 November 2017

Magnificent Birds

It's the PUBLICATION DAY of a gorgeous picture book "Magnificent Birds," which I illustrated and published by Walker Studio!
The Walker Books started a partnership with RSPB this year to produce several bird books and this is the second one in the line.   I am very proud of myself to get this chance to create a book with them and have completed the project like this.  

イギリスで、わたしが絵を描いた絵本が出た! "Magnificent Birds"という世界の"すごい"鳥14種を紹介した絵本で、見開きの大きな絵が15枚も入っている、何やら画集みたいな本になった。

Magnificent Birds
Walker Studio 著、Narisa Togo 絵
Walker Studio 出版 £15.00
I created all the artworks by reduction linocut and only used four or five colours  per image.  

It all started last November when I received an e-mail from my editor from the hedgehog story of the Mumsnet Book, asking if I would be interested in illustrating a book of birds.  
Of course, I would!  
Although I had several works going on at that time, I had to squeeze this project in. 

The colour rough that I created by drawing loose digitally. I found that  planning these in layers in photoshop helps me when I carve lino, especially in reduction method.

And this is how I made the image layer by layer in reduction method. There were 18 images to make and each had four or five layers of colour. That means that I must have carved and printed nearly 80 layers, although I only used one block per image.  For three entire months, I did nothing but carve and print, and carve and print, and carve and print.  

最終画を作っている最中に、プロモーションに使うから、スタジオで制作している様子の写真をだれか友達に撮ってもらって送って、と編集者に頼まれた。ス、スタジオ?! これだけ版画で制作しているなら、スタジオスペースを借りているに違いないと思われたのだろうか。わたしの"スタジオ"は部屋ですらなく、中学生の頃から変わらぬ机スペースだけ。もちろんプリントメイキング・スタジオにあるようなプレス機があるわけもなく、プラスチック板とパレットナイフとローラーとばれんと人力だけという、なんとも単純な装置なのだ・・・。とても友達を呼べる空間でもない!

This was the first colour proof.   You can perhaps imagine the taste of inside pages!

It is a very international book, not only the contents but also the process of making it.  The project started in the UK and the artworks were created in Japan and the book was printed in China. The linoleum blocks were from the UK and the linoleum cutter was from the U.S. and the baren was from Japan!

日本では、新宿南口にある洋書を扱うBooks Kinokuniyaに置いているほか、日本のアマゾンでも取り扱っているので、クリスマスプレゼントにぜひ!


  1. HUGE congratulations. What an achievement. The book looks amazing, Ting!

    1. Thank you! It was a hard work but I am happy with the outcome.

  2. Anonymous3/11/17 05:23

    おめでとう!取り急ぎ自宅と友人用に2冊インターネットでオーダーして、届くのを待っているところ!地元の本屋にも頼んで、クリスマスにどっさり大人買いします。楽しみ! あおい

    1. さっそく!本当にありがとうございます。じょやのかねとヒヨドリの絵本は数日中にー鳥の祭りが終わったらーお送りしようと思っていたところでした~。

  3. かずまま7/11/17 21:51


    1. ありがとうございます。写真はせっかく母が苦労して撮ってくれたので、載せてみました!

  4. お久しぶりです おめでとうございます! 綺麗ですね〜〜

    1. いただいたコメントに気付かず、お返事がとっても遅くなりましたが、ありがとうございます!
