
9 April 2018



I went riding Kominato and Isumi trains with my Thai friends.  Most of the sakura trees were already with green leaves but the double-flowered sakura and the oilseed rape flowers were in full bloom.  We spotted the Japanese pheasants several times and some Dusky Thrushes.  
I was hoping to see the Grey-faced Buzzard, which is a summer visitor and breeds in this kind of paddy field countryside but I did not even hear its characteristic call.  It was maybe a bit too early in the season.     

At Kazusa Nakano. Below is my mum sketching us waiting for a train.   

We got off at Kazusanakagawa and walked almost four kilometres among the paddy fields, through the tunnel, to visit Gyoganji temple. 
The temple has stunning carved ranma, panels between the top of the sliding door and the ceiling which brings light and breeze into the room.  Three of ranma in the room were carved by a sculptor called Nami-no-Ihachi and were the design of dynamic waves,  just like Hokusai's Great Waves off Kanagawa.  
As a matter of fact, it is said that Hokusai got the inspiration from this ranma and made that famous Ukiyoe print.  
The interpreter at the temple showed us one of the ranma carving from the back side and there, we could find waves in exactly the same shape as Hokusai's design.  


波をあんな風に真横から見た構図を最初に描いたのは、北斎ではなくて「波の伊八」だったということだ。そしてわたしも、北斎の絵に影響を受けて、『きょうは たびびより』のヒヨドリが波間を飛ぶシーンの構図を作ったりしている。


  1. 誰が言い出したか分かんないけど、「ぶらり途中下車の旅」は田舎のローカル線じゃあ無理だよね〜(^_^;)

    1. そうなんですよね。ぶらり旅には気ままになれる時間の余裕と選択肢が必要ですよね。
