
20 September 2019


When I took the chance to exhibit my works in a gallery in Ninishomiya, we decided to spend several days in Kansai area as our summer holiday.  So for the very first time, my little one got on the Shinkanse train and spent nights in hotels.

琵琶湖、そして竹生島! カワウの研究で必ず出てくるので、名前だけ知っていた竹生島だが、こんなところにあるこんな島だったのか。
We climbed the Mt. Ibuki. We could drive up to 1260 m but had to climb the last 100 m on foot.  It was a beautiful day and the air was cool but the sunshine was very strong. 

Sketch from the top of the mountain.  Mt. Ibuki is famous for its unique wildflower garden.  It is an old limestone mountain and during winter, the weather is very harsh, affected by the Japan Sea climate.  So it has many endemic plant species.
鳥はハチクマ、ツバメ、イワツバメ、コシアカツバメ、アマツバメ、ホオジロ、シジュウカラ、メジロ、ホシガラス、イワヒバリ! 自然観察ガイドブックによれば、ホシガラスとイワヒバリは、秋になるとより標高の高い山から降りてくるらしい。
Mt. Ibuki is also famous for a Golden Eagle pair.  But I had given up with the idea of seeing them.  The eagle couple has a big territory so one could easily wait for a whole day and not seeing them once.  With our one-year old, we could not possibly spend long time in the mountain.

But look, what we saw at the last stop!

They were sitting there for quite a long time. Actually, we couldn't wait and see them fly because we had to go and check in at our hotel.

I drew and drew and drew!


  1. 足繁く通ってもなかなか会えないと聞いています。短時間の訪問でピンポイントで会えたというのは本当にラッキーですね!ギャラリー・アイでお話していただいたのは、その直後だったのですね。素晴らしい絵の数々、見せていただき有難うございました。また関西にいらして下さい。

    1. 個展を見にいらしてくださり、ありがとうございました。
