
29 September 2019

英会話探鳥会 その2


I joined "Bird Walk at Kasai Rinkai Park for English speaker" on Saturday as a volunteer.  We watched and heard 37 bird species including this Far-Eastern Curlew, the endangered migratory shorebird.

At first, we found it walking and feeding with a Bar-tailed Godwit at the far corner of the mudflat.  But while we were having lunch, it came nearer and nearer and in the end, we watched it very closely!      

I tried to sketch it but since it has such an unusual shape and moves constantly, it was very difficult to put down on paper.  Come to think of it, I haven't sketched Eastern Curlew much either.  I need more practice on this type of bird.  

It dug out crabs, putting its long carved beak in the mud, twisting its head. Someone said that this bird looks a bit slim for the Far-eastern Curlew.  It was obviously hungry and there seems to be plenty of food because it was picking crabs almost every few minutes.  

A female Bull-headed Shrike told us it is already autumn but as I drew this, I got bitten by so many mosquitos.   Summer is still here.  

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