
29 June 2020


Recently, I've been thinking about what "mother" is.

My little one developed her own will and these days she almost always insists that mummy has to change her nappy or unclothe her or pour milk for her.   When her daddy or her grandma try to do such things, she throws a tantrum.  Until now, everyone did those things, quite often more than me.  She didn't mind.
When and how does she get so attached to mummy?  
What's so good about mummy?  

Also, some time ago, I received sad news that my friend's mum had passed away. 
I would often call on to her place and have a little chat with her mum at the front door until my friend came out.  There were occasions when I stayed at their place and when I joined her family visiting a museum.  So her mum was one of the most well-acquainted friend's mums to me.  And she was indeed a real motherly mother.   
And her mum was the first person to pass away, who I knew as a "mother" as a role.   
So it was quite shocking news to me.  
I was blindly feeling that "mother" will be there all the time and I can talk to her and ask her whatever if I need to.

And all those things made me feel nervous. 

Regardless of how good a mother I am, my little one thinks that I am her mummy and she should be feeling that I will be there all the time and she can ask whatever when she needs to.   

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