
29 April 2022


April sketches of my little one playing at home.
I made a mini book out of two sheets of paper for her and she immediately started making a picture book. She drew our family, sakura, a kingfisher, tadpoles and horsetail one after another. 
1枚の紙を8等分して作るミニ冊子を二つ重ねて本の形にしてみせたら、チビが俄然張り切って絵本を作り出した。桜にオタマジャクシ、つくしと春のものいっぱい。『はるのもの だれが みつけるの はやいかな』なる題名らしい。
We've got covid, probably from little one's kindergarden, and have been stuck at home.  Fortunately, only I ran a fever for a day or two and rest of the family had it with almost no symptom.  
So we've been "velamping" (velanda-granping) with little one's tea set, baking bread, making gyoza dish, running the wooden train all over the house and counting the days until the quarantine ends.  

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