
23 March 2023

Sakura School Visit

I was invited by Ms. Sue Conolly, a wonderful librarian at the Canadian International School in Tokyo, and did a school visit to talk about my book, "When the Sakura Bloom," show my sketchbooks and do some field sketching with children yesterday.  

They said that I was the first person to do this kind of event after the covid19 spread.  I feel very honored.

In the morning, I visited two classes at kindergarten children aged around five.
日本の学校が絵本作家を呼ぶというのはあまり聞いたことがないけれど、海外ではこうしたSchool Visitがとても盛んだ。『さくらがさくと』の英語版が出たことで、昨年は名古屋のインター校とzoomで繋がれたし、今年は東京の学校を実際に訪れることができ、日本のインター校と関わりを持つ機会ができたのはうれしい。
こんな正式に学校の授業に招かれるのは初めてだったので、絵本作家であり元美術教員でもあった、はるのまいさんにいろいろ相談させていただいた。授業はとにかく準備が肝心! スケッチできる環境と状況が心配だから写真でも造花でも、万が一の場合に描けるものを準備したほうが無難だよとのアドバイス。確かに! でも本物の自然を自分の目で観察して絵を描くことで、自然の不思議を発見し、形を学び、自分の描き方を見つけてほしいというスタンスの人間としては、できれば本物を……と揺れる心。ということでチビと夫にも頼んで前日から、そして当日も朝から桜並木をひたすら歩いて、スズメが落とした花をキムチ容器2つ分拾い集めて持って行った。
I gathered lots and lots of blossom dropped by sparrows. I explained how the White-eyes and Bulbuls suck the nectar from the front of the blossom but sneaky sparrows pick the entire blossom and suck from the bottom. I am so glad that they really showed interest and enjoyed looking at them.
I asked Sue to make a "field sketchbook" for everyone.  
Sakura only blooms for certain days in the season and we have changeable weather in Spring. But we were very fortunate to have a warm (or rather hot) sunny day with beautiful bloom of Sakura.
In the afternoon, I visited Grade 4 and 5 classes in elementary school.  
I wanted to talk about many things but time was limited so I mainly talked about how I created my picture book from observing the real world, sketching trees and birds. For elementary school kids, I talked about why I think field sketch is important as well as some tips to draw from real life. 
They all did very good job and had a productive time!  

そして何よりもびっくりしたのは、学校全体の司書が一人いるだけでなく、幼稚園の司書が一人、小学校には司書補佐が一人と合計三人も図書室関係の職員がいたことだ。そもそもわたしが受け持ったこの時間は、司書が受け持つlibrary class(図書の時間)だった。幼稚園に司書がいて、しっかり良い絵本を選んできて読んでくれて、それにちなんだ学びのプログラムを考えてくれるなんて、いいなあ。 
Big thanks to all the students who join this and Ms. Sue Conolly and all the teachers who made this school visit possible.  
I hope children will keep drawing Sakura until leaves come out and then keep sketching many other things. 
Photo credit also goes to Ms. Sue Conolly.  

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