
3 March 2024

Huai Kha Khaeng Wildlife Sanctuary

And thanks to P'Jeed, my bird watching friend of 20 years, we made a trip to Utaitani. Although I have a father in Thailand, I know that I would not have visited Thailand as often as I had if I didn't meet P'Jeed on the birding trip to Doi Pui in 2004. It is always the amazing nature trips that made me want to go back to Thailand again! 

This time, we spent a whole day in Huai Kha Khaeng Wildlife Sanctuary.
フゥアイカーケン野生動物保護区を訪ねた。タイ語でテンラン(Teng Rung) Forest と呼ばれる落葉広葉樹の森で、乾季なので落ち葉が多い。フタバガキ系の種なども落ちていた。
Banteng from the tower hide. 
I was very pleased to see Green Peafowl and to learn the difference between the Indian one. 
Common Butterfly Lizard.
図鑑ですら見たこともない生き物を観察して描くのは難しい。はじめカブカが描いたトカゲには足がなかったので、「足は?」と指摘したら、「え、これヘビじゃないの?」  草に隠れてよく足が見えなかったのでヘビだと思って描いていたらしい!
コウハシショウビン Stork-billed Kingfisher was my lifer bird.
Indian Roller インドブッポウソウ
I have to admit that my little one sketched more birds than I did.
The bill colour is wrong but this is Green-billed Malkoha!

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