
15 November 2024

Birds in India

When I flew to India, I borrowed Kabuka's small binocular because I thought I wouldn't have chance to see many birds there as I was going to a literature festival.
Red-naped Ibis(アカアシトキ)
But I was very wrong with that! Sunder Nursery, where the Bookaroo was held, is an amazing garden and wildlife area.
The minute I went into the speaker's launge area, I was greeted by a grey bird with a big strange bill, Indian Grey Hornbill! And from where my first drawing session was held, I could see the Red-wattled Lapwing and the Little Cormorant.
Red-naped Ibis
Rose-ringed Parakeet
My favorite bird in the world, White-breasted Waterhens were there, too, as well as Moorhen. 
And I found a very cute Hindi picture book about the White-breasted Waterhen in the Bookaroo bookshop and I had to buy it.
White-throated Kingfisher(アオショウビン) 
Ruchi took me to Lodhi Garden on my last day and we watched some more birds including this kinfisher and the Grey Hornbill at close!
Indian Grey Hornbill (インドコサイチョウ)

And since I carried my pair of binoculars all the time, even while we were waiting for the car at the hotel, or at the book signing desk, I made birder friends!
Marc, an illustrator from Portugal and I were always comparing the bird list we saw at the nursery and Peeyush, an author from Delhi, kindly told me bird ID.  
I always think that birders share the same "race" and speak the same "language."  
And that was my Indian trip! Last sketch I did in India was from the gate at the airport. 
Thank you so much Bookaroo for inviting me, Japan Foundation for supporting me and all the speakers and volunteers and drivers who helped me!  

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