
10 October 2020

どんぐじ ごはん

One of her favorite things to do these days is to cook acorn meals and feed it to everyone.  I secretly wonder, though, who is actually enjoying acorns. Surely not Kingfisher!
I had a few free days this week and last week when my little one went to the nursery but I had no urgent work to do.  None of my editors had get back to me!  
I felt that I should be starting something that can be a new picture book project.  
I felt bad doing nothing when I am paying a lot to the nursery and when my little one had to spend time there. 
But then, it's important to have some free time for an artist, isn't it?
In the end, I started carving another rubber stamp of my little one.  Something I would only feel like doing when she is little. 
保育園からの「おみゃーげー」。 どんぐり拾いをして、園に帰ってからみんなで山分けしたらしい。ビニール袋に名前が書いてあったので、どうやらちゃんと、それぞれが選んだどんぐりを持って帰らせてくれているらしい。
「なに つくってる?」「なっとー ごはん」ブツブツと自問自答。

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