
16 October 2020

Oiseaux — Des alliés à protéger

Yesterday evening, the artist's copies of "Oiseaux—Des alliés à protéger" finally arrived to my place!
This is a French nonfiction book on birds written by an ornithologist, Philippe J. Dubois, which I illustrated with watercolour, published by La Martinière jeunesse.

 フランスの鳥類学者Philipe J. Dubois氏が文章を書き、わたしがイラストを描いた絵本だ。 

『Oiseaux—Des alliés à protéger』 

出版社:La Martinière jeunesse 
ISBN: 978-2-7324-9325-1  

There are nearly fifty illustrations in there. 
It was a hard project with a tight deadline in the covid circumstance. I worked so intensely for several weeks this spring without looking back, which was a very different experience from working with my Japanese publisher. So I was a bit scared to look at the final book. But I am glad to see it printed beautifully.
I was happy to have a chance to draw lots of seabirds including my favorite Northern Gannets and Atlantic and Tufted Puffins. 
Since unfortunately, I do not understand French, I had to put the entire text into the google translation in order to illustrate.  French to Japanese translation was just not working, so I made it into English.  It wasn't easy still.  When I was reading about the rainforest, I was so puzzled by "Gurney's brief."  Not realising that is a bird name, for several minutes, I was imagining somebody only wearing a brief...!  Of course, it was the Gurney's Pitta!  
Just like this, almost all the birds' names were wrong with the automatic translation.  Surely, it won't be so difficult to let the AI learn biological names.   
The technique I used for the book is almost the same as my Sakura book.  I drew birds with watercolour, masked it and made the flat colour background with spattering technique using a brush and a screen.  For some of the water bubbles and ripples, I placed tiny paper cuts before spattering.  
Here are some of the cutouts of birds that I used for masking.  Can you guess what they are?
Magnificent Birdsのフランス語版『Envols』に続いて2冊目の、フランスの野鳥の会のロゴが入った本だ。

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