
27 November 2024


23日の午後、原画展を開催中の弘明寺の子どもの本& クーベルチップさんで、トークイベントをさせていただきました。 聞きに来てくださったみなさま、どうもありがとうございました。
I did a talk event at the children's book store in Gumyoji, Yokohama, where my artworks from my three board books are exhibited.  
photo by 子どもの本& クーベルチップ

「はじめての自然体験」と題して、おさんぽえほんの3冊を作った経緯、生き物を識別して名前を覚えることについて、版画の技法についてなどいろいろお話ししました。 ご質問いただいて、インドの子どもの本フェスティバルのことや、学校教育と絵本読書について、わたしが知り得た海外の話などもしました。

原画展は、あと4日間! 12月1日(日)までやっています。月火水はお店の定休日です。

15 November 2024

Birds in India

When I flew to India, I borrowed Kabuka's small binocular because I thought I wouldn't have chance to see many birds there as I was going to a literature festival.
Red-naped Ibis(アカアシトキ)
But I was very wrong with that! Sunder Nursery, where the Bookaroo was held, is an amazing garden and wildlife area.
The minute I went into the speaker's launge area, I was greeted by a grey bird with a big strange bill, Indian Grey Hornbill! And from where my first drawing session was held, I could see the Red-wattled Lapwing and the Little Cormorant.
Red-naped Ibis
Rose-ringed Parakeet
My favorite bird in the world, White-breasted Waterhens were there, too, as well as Moorhen. 
And I found a very cute Hindi picture book about the White-breasted Waterhen in the Bookaroo bookshop and I had to buy it.
White-throated Kingfisher(アオショウビン) 
Ruchi took me to Lodhi Garden on my last day and we watched some more birds including this kinfisher and the Grey Hornbill at close!
Indian Grey Hornbill (インドコサイチョウ)

And since I carried my pair of binoculars all the time, even while we were waiting for the car at the hotel, or at the book signing desk, I made birder friends!
Marc, an illustrator from Portugal and I were always comparing the bird list we saw at the nursery and Peeyush, an author from Delhi, kindly told me bird ID.  
I always think that birders share the same "race" and speak the same "language."  
And that was my Indian trip! Last sketch I did in India was from the gate at the airport. 
Thank you so much Bookaroo for inviting me, Japan Foundation for supporting me and all the speakers and volunteers and drivers who helped me!  

14 November 2024

Bookaroo Day 3

Bookaroo 3日目。どのセッションも林の中に色とりどりの布を貼った即席でつくられた会場で行われている。
This is Elisabeth Ets from Austria talking about her book and her carrier as a writer. 
Sunday on the 10th, I read aloud my picture book, "When the Sakura Bloom" and talked about Japan and Japanese spring under pink Bauhinia blossom (what an appropriate venue for it!). 
Having seen other people's sessions, especially those Indian authors and storytellers, I realised that they tell stories in such a dramatic way with lots of performances. In Japan, story telling time is usually very quiet.  I even believe that in Japan, story tellers are advised to read aloud without too much intonation or performance in the fear of those extra performances adding certain colour to the story and forcing kids to feel in certain way about that story.   But I also think that for children who are not used to quiet storytelling (and there are many of those in japan, too), adding some performances can be good in terms of attracting their attention.  
3日目のわたしのセッションは、『さくらがさくと』(英語版『When the Sakura Bloom』)を読み、日本の春のお話をするというものだった。 
でもこのBookarooでインド人作家や、世界中を渡り歩きインドの昔話をする語り部などによるセッションを見ていると、インドの話し手はみんなパフォーマーという感じだった。身体を張ってジェスチャーをし、声色を変えたり、効果音を入れたり、絵本の途中で「それで、お母さんは何って言ったと思う? そう、もちろん、NO!です」等々の子どもたちとのやりとりを挟む。 こんなパフォーマンスは、いきなりやれと言われてできないなあと思いながら眺めていた。 
This is me explaining that during spring time, lots of companies make special Sakura package for their products. 

Bookaroo Day 2


Bookaroo Day 2 and 3 were on a weekend and lots of family came to the site.  

On Saturday the 9th, I did a Doodle Wall session, "Tree of Life."  I brought Sumi ink for calligraphy and a big brush and drew a big Banyan tree for kids to add some creatures.
講師はだいたいみな1日1セッション持っていて、土曜日にわたしがやったのは、巨大な壁に子どもたちと絵を描くDoodle Wall (お絵描き壁)。
At first we only had four kids to start with and we had plenty of space to draw anything but by the end, it was very crowded!  
I asked them what creatures could be living in a big tree like this and a girl added buzzing bees and their nest.
Boys started to make a river underneath the tree.  So I put Kingfisher and a Egret. Other boy coloured the egret and it became like a Cattle Egret! 
Since I had a snake as an example, there came four more snakes.  
There was a fairly, a nest with colourful eggs (and their mother bird added by someone else), lots of butterflies and birds, some owls.  
It's all good. 
I wish I asked them to draw much bigger though! 

It was also great to get to know all the authors and illustrators from around the world!  

でもデリーの子どもたちは、こんなに多くの国際的な作家、イラストレーターの話を直接聞けるチャンスが毎年ある! 考えてみればとってもすごいこと。

And since I flew to India, my very best friends living in India came all the way just to see me.  Yes, I got to see Ruchi and Archit!!!  

13 November 2024

Bookaroo Day1

Bookaroo is a literature festival for children and it is where kids can interact with authors, illustrators, storytellers. The Bookaroo trust has been organising several editions every year since its launch in 2008 and the Delhi edition held in every November is the largest with many international speakers.  This year we had authors from New Zealand, Austria, Turkey and Vietnam, illustrators from Singapore, Portugal, Spain, Norway and so on!     
Bookaroo(ブッカルー)はBookarooトラストが運営する子どものためのブックフェスティバルで、インド人女性のSwati Royさん、インド人男性のVenkatesh M Swamyさん、イギリス人女性のJo Williamsさんという3人によって始められたと聞く。今はSwatiさんとVenkateshさんによって運営されている。毎年、ジャイプールやシュリーナガル、ヴァドーダラーなどインド各地、ときにスリランカやマレーシアの都市も回っており、年に数回開かれるが、11月にデリーで開かれるものが一番大きいようだ。デリー版とその1週間後に開かれるジャイプール版は、海外の大使館など国際交流機関の支援を受けていろいろな国から作家やイラストレーターを招いている。わたしも、国際交流基金(Japan Foundation)のインド支部からの資金援助を得て参加した。 今回のデリーでのBookarooには、日本からのわたしのほか、スペイン、スリランカ、シンガポール、ノルウェイ、ニュージーランド、トルコ、ベトナム、オーストリアなどから来ている作家やイラストレーターがいた。
This Delhi edition was held in Sunder Nursery, which is a beautiful garden next to the Humayun's Tomb. And all the venue were outside under trees! Even the bookshop Eureka had a pop-up in a tent.
Friday the 8th, the day 1 of the Bookaroo was the Schools' Day. I did a field sketch session, "Draw Nature and Discover" with 10-12 years old school girls.
I talked a little about how my story idea is based on observation in the field, how I sketch nature and showed my sketch books.  


I made a short trip to Delhi in India to join the Bookaroo Children's Festival, thanks to Japan Foundation, India, which supported my travel and accommodation. 

Sketches I did while waiting for my flight at Haneda airport on the 7th.
From the plane, I could see the Himalaya. 
Among my friends and family, it's often me who ask to stop and sketch something. But this time, I was very happy to follow Antonia Santolaya from Spain, one of the speakers at the Bookaroo, who suggested me to visit the Humayun's Tomb together and sketch it.
イサカーン廟(Isa Khan's Tomb)
フマユーン廟(Humayun's Tomb)
In the evening of the Bookaroo day, the Bookaroo kindly organised the Humayun's Tomb museum tour guided by Ratish Nanda, the project director of the restoration work at Humayun's Tomb himself!  It was very interesting to hear the history and story behind the restoration.  I felt ashamed that my knowledge of Mughal Empire was too little to understand his talk well.  But it is always good feeling that names in the text book of the world history start to mean something in my head. 
Quite a lot of things in the museum were replicas but they were hand made in very good quality and I could see that by making them, they learned so much about how they were made in those days. 
I am so glad that Antonia and I spent the time sketching and observing the architecture before the tour because I could understand slightly better!   
Inside the museum there is the original finial of the Humayun's Tomb.  It looked enormous in the building and I could really feel the size of the tomb.  

9日の夕方、フマユーン廟の復元プロジェクトに携わるRatish Nanda氏によるフマユーン廟博物館ツアーを、Bookarooに参加している講師向けに企画してくださった。今年できたばかりで、インド初の地下博物館だ。