It's been a year since I came here in England! And I really think that this is my "prime time". I can say that last one was my best year in my life so far. I thank you all who have supported me in many ways and cheered me up.
One of my dreams to sketch in the heather field came true in Land's End. Heathers were so soft and nice to touch compared to spiky Gorse bush next to them. 嵐が丘や秘密の花園に出てくるヒースの荒野、プーさんがはちみつをとろうとして落ちた棘だらけ灌木、ハリエニシダ。話の中の世界が目の前にある。イギリスの風景って、僕たちからすれば、すべておとぎ話の世界だよね、と誰かが言っていた。当たり前ではあるけれど、イギリス人にとってはこれが日常で、作家はそれをあるがままお話に取り入れたに過ぎない。

We watched a play, The prime of Miss Jean Brodie at the Minack Theatre. It is an open theatre facing to the sea, made by a lady, Rowena Cade.
It was a wonderful evening although we were freezing. While we were watching the play, Gannets were flying behind and a seal popped up from the sea. As the play went on, the white clouds changed the colour into pink and then purple. By the time the play finished sky above us was full of stars!
Thank you so much, Hannah and her mother, for giving us the lift back to Penzance!