We could not get out of the plane, of course, but had a glimpse of it!


Back on the mainland, still flying...

Most part of the flight, we could only see the sea of clouds. But some high mountains poked their heads up the cloud.

We went a full day birding in Anchorage, too, and saw a flock of the White-winged Crossbills.

And they were feeding on pinecones. It looks familiar from the famous book, Weihnachtsspuren im Winterwald! They must have been celebrating very early Christmas!

One of the parents of the nesting Bald Eagle at Potter Marsh.

And this Arctic Tern reminded me of the first time I visited the marsh. It was July, 2010.


The last evening in Alaska, after all the birding programs and the dinner finished, I sneaked out to the coast again.
Everyone was enjoying the long daylight, walking, walking dogs, jogging, cycling, chatting, reading, rollerskating and everyone interacts freely with others. A skater boy asked me to high touch on passing and I started to chat with a lady from Argentina and we ended up walking around the West Chester Lagoon together. I was a visitor and a total stranger there but I felt very much at home.