Narisa Togo a.k.a. Ting
Contact: ting.kuina917@gmail.com
Born in 1987 in Chiba, Japan. From my childhood, I drew many illustrations for the fliers of concerts held at the community centre.
Began to watch birds in the first grade of junior high school, after a small adventure to the nearest river with my friends, where we observed some ducks.
At high school, I belonged to the wandervogel club, climbing mountains, watching wildlife and making more than 20 illustrated maps of our mountain trips.
I received my bachelor's degree in ecology at Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology and spent four years doing field research on wildlife and plants.
I finished a master course in Children’s Book Illustration at Cambridge School of Art in UK. In 2012, 2013 and 2015, I joined the Seabird Drawing Course lead by John Busby.
Member of Japan Wildlife Art Society.
◇◆◇ Works ◇◆◇
・Published the fifth picture book "When the Sakura Bloom" (in Japanese) from Fukuinkan Shoten Publishers.
・Illustrated an anthology of three animal stories, "Hedgehog and Mole Go Ballooning" by Alison Uttley for its Japanese edition, published by Fukuinkan Shoten Publishers.
・Illustration for picture book "A Perfect Day for Traveling" got selected in the Bologna Illustrators Exhibition 2019.
・Held a solo show, "Picture books and Birds" at Gallery Arai in Nishinomiya, Hyogo.
・Held a solo show, "Birds in Scenery" at View Fukushimagata, the nature centre at Fukushimagata nature reserve in Niigata.
・Illustrated a picture book, "Magnificent Birds" by Walker Studio, London.
・Published forth picture book "Ring the Bell on New Year's Eve" (in Japanese) from Fukuinkan Shoten Publishers, Tokyo.
・Published third picture book "A Perfect Day for Traveling" (in Japanese) from Fukuinkan Shoten Publishers, Tokyo.
・Held a solo show "A Stories in Nature" at Niiiwa gallery in Sapporo.
・Painted an illustration for a poster of Satoyama environment with twenty bird species for Kanagawa local group of the Wildlife Bird Society of Japan.
・Made the artwork for the life-sized Golden Eagle panel for The Nature Conservation Society of Japan.
・Started running a series of article "English for Birding" on BIRDER magazine published by Bunichisogo publisher.
・Made a book cover illustration for "Joy of Field Ornithology (in Japanese)" by Kaiyusha, Tokyo.
・Made a logo for the 30th anniversary of Yokohama Nature Sanctuary.
・Made a cover illustration for Dr. Claire Pernollet's thesis, "L'utilisation des rizières par les canards hivernants".
・Published second picture book "Heron, the Fisher" (in Japanese) from Fukuinkan Shoten Publishers, Tokyo.
・Illustrated "Secrets of the Barn Swallow (in Japanese)" , a scientific book about Barn Swallow for children by Wataru Kitamura, published by Seibundoshinkousha, Tokyo.
・Started running a series of article on my birdwatching experience in the UK on BIRDER magazine published by Bunichisogo publisher.
・Published first picture book Weihnachtsspuren im Winterwald (in German) from Atlantis verlag, Zurich.
・Illustrated one of the stories for The Mumsnet Book of Animal Stories published by Walker Books, London.
・Illustrated three frontispieces and some inside pages for a leaflet about skylark published by Wild Bird Society of Japan.
・Made a book cover illustration for Dr. Sjoerd Duijns's thesis, "Sex-specific Foraging."
・Made a book cover illustration for the Japanese version of Gifts of the Crow by John Marzluff and Tony Angell published from Kawade Shobo Shinsha Ltd.
・Illustrated and designed YBIRD travel agency's tour brochure.
・Wrote an article about wader watching in Britain with an illustration for BIRDER magazine 2013 April issue.
・ Two of my picture book ideas, "Little Brown" and "It's Supper Time!", were both selected for the "highly commended" in the MacMillan Prize 2012 for children's picture book illustration.
・ Designed and drew illustrations for YBIRD travel agency's hope page.
・ Designed the logo of Liferbird, an organization to support ornithological research.
・ Made a book cover for Lost Documents and Alien Auditors
・My research on birds and berries during my undergraduate course was published as a paper in Strix, the journal of field ornithology. Narisa Togo, Yuji Okahisa, Yoshinobu Hoshino(2012)Foraging behaviors of birds determined by the morphology of bird-dispersed trees and berries. Strix vol.28, pp.59-70.
・ Made illustrations for a booklet "Life in Harmony, into the future" for Let's Origami! Project.
・ Designed a poster for the COP10 Let's Origami! Project ran by IUCN-JAPAN.
・ Designed a poster for a symposium on wildlife management at Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology.
・ Drew a part of the environmental picture-cards published by Chofu city.
・ Held a solo show "Kuina Road Exhibition" at Cafe Copains in Tokyo.
・ Ran one-year series of illustrated articles on BIRDER magazine.
・ Designed the top web page of Wine Desk, the winery tours of Y Bird travel agency.
・ Wrote hawk watch reports and made illustrations for “A Book to Enjoy Hawk Watch” published from Bunichisogo publisher.
・ Designed and drew illustrations for “Barn Swallow Map”, an ecological education brochure for Hino city, Tokyo.
・ Designed the logo of the annual meeting of Mammalogical Society of Japan.
・ Grand prix and environmental minister’s award in the high school section of the 21st Annual Nature Trail Contest in Japan.
◇◆◇ 主な活動 ◇◆◇
・Illustration for picture book "A Perfect Day for Traveling" got selected in the Bologna Illustrators Exhibition 2019.
・Held a solo show, "Picture books and Birds" at Gallery Arai in Nishinomiya, Hyogo.
・Held a solo show, "Birds in Scenery" at View Fukushimagata, the nature centre at Fukushimagata nature reserve in Niigata.
・Illustrated a picture book, "Magnificent Birds" by Walker Studio, London.
・Published forth picture book "Ring the Bell on New Year's Eve" (in Japanese) from Fukuinkan Shoten Publishers, Tokyo.
・Published third picture book "A Perfect Day for Traveling" (in Japanese) from Fukuinkan Shoten Publishers, Tokyo.
・Held a solo show "A Stories in Nature" at Niiiwa gallery in Sapporo.
・Painted an illustration for a poster of Satoyama environment with twenty bird species for Kanagawa local group of the Wildlife Bird Society of Japan.
・Made the artwork for the life-sized Golden Eagle panel for The Nature Conservation Society of Japan.
・Started running a series of article "English for Birding" on BIRDER magazine published by Bunichisogo publisher.
・Made a book cover illustration for "Joy of Field Ornithology (in Japanese)" by Kaiyusha, Tokyo.
・Made a logo for the 30th anniversary of Yokohama Nature Sanctuary.
・Made a cover illustration for Dr. Claire Pernollet's thesis, "L'utilisation des rizières par les canards hivernants".
・Published second picture book "Heron, the Fisher" (in Japanese) from Fukuinkan Shoten Publishers, Tokyo.
・Illustrated "Secrets of the Barn Swallow (in Japanese)" , a scientific book about Barn Swallow for children by Wataru Kitamura, published by Seibundoshinkousha, Tokyo.
・Started running a series of article on my birdwatching experience in the UK on BIRDER magazine published by Bunichisogo publisher.
・Published first picture book Weihnachtsspuren im Winterwald (in German) from Atlantis verlag, Zurich.
・Illustrated one of the stories for The Mumsnet Book of Animal Stories published by Walker Books, London.
・Illustrated three frontispieces and some inside pages for a leaflet about skylark published by Wild Bird Society of Japan.
・Made a book cover illustration for Dr. Sjoerd Duijns's thesis, "Sex-specific Foraging."
・Made a book cover illustration for the Japanese version of Gifts of the Crow by John Marzluff and Tony Angell published from Kawade Shobo Shinsha Ltd.
・Illustrated and designed YBIRD travel agency's tour brochure.
・Wrote an article about wader watching in Britain with an illustration for BIRDER magazine 2013 April issue.
・ Two of my picture book ideas, "Little Brown" and "It's Supper Time!", were both selected for the "highly commended" in the MacMillan Prize 2012 for children's picture book illustration.
・ Designed and drew illustrations for YBIRD travel agency's hope page.
・ Designed the logo of Liferbird, an organization to support ornithological research.
・ Made a book cover for Lost Documents and Alien Auditors
・My research on birds and berries during my undergraduate course was published as a paper in Strix, the journal of field ornithology. Narisa Togo, Yuji Okahisa, Yoshinobu Hoshino(2012)Foraging behaviors of birds determined by the morphology of bird-dispersed trees and berries. Strix vol.28, pp.59-70.
・ Made illustrations for a booklet "Life in Harmony, into the future" for Let's Origami! Project.
・ Designed a poster for the COP10 Let's Origami! Project ran by IUCN-JAPAN.
・ Designed a poster for a symposium on wildlife management at Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology.
・ Drew a part of the environmental picture-cards published by Chofu city.
・ Held a solo show "Kuina Road Exhibition" at Cafe Copains in Tokyo.
・ Ran one-year series of illustrated articles on BIRDER magazine.
・ Designed the top web page of Wine Desk, the winery tours of Y Bird travel agency.
・ Wrote hawk watch reports and made illustrations for “A Book to Enjoy Hawk Watch” published from Bunichisogo publisher.
・ Designed and drew illustrations for “Barn Swallow Map”, an ecological education brochure for Hino city, Tokyo.
・ Designed the logo of the annual meeting of Mammalogical Society of Japan.
・ Grand prix and environmental minister’s award in the high school section of the 21st Annual Nature Trail Contest in Japan.
◇◆◇ 主な活動 ◇◆◇
・絵本『きょうは たびびより』からのイラストがボローニャ国際絵本原画展に入選
・西宮市のギャラリーアライで個展「絵本と鳥 東郷なりさの作品展」開催
・絵本『きょうは たびびより』からのイラストがボローニャ国際絵本原画展に入選
・西宮市のギャラリーアライで個展「絵本と鳥 東郷なりさの作品展」開催
・新潟市のビュー福島潟にて個展「風景の中の鳥たち 東郷なりさの作品展」開催
・絵本『Magnificent Birds』(英Walker Studio出版)のイラストを描く。
・絵本『きょうはたびびより』を福音館書店から ちいさなかがくのとも 10月号として出版
・札幌の庭ギャラリーで個展「自然のなかの物語 絵本作家 東郷なりさの個展」開催
・雑誌「BIRDER」4月号より、「English for Birding」の連載をはじめる
・Dr. Claire Pernollet氏の論文集 "L'utilisation des rizières par les canards hivernants"の表紙画を描く
・絵本『アオサギのさかなとり』を福音館書店から ちいさなかがくのとも 11月号として出版
・誠文堂新光社より発売された『ツバメの謎:ツバメの繁殖行動は進化する!? 』にイラストを描く
・絵本『Weihnachtsspuren im Winterwald』をスイスのAtlantis社から出版
・イギリスのWalker Booksから出版された小作品集「The Mumsnet Book of Animal Stories」の一話に挿絵を描く
・日本野鳥の会の小冊子「ひばりは どこに」の口絵3枚ほかイラストを描く
・Dr. Sjoerd Duijns氏の論文集"Sex-specific foraging"の表紙画を描く
・旅行会社ワイバードの「ワイバード通信 2014年冬号」のイラスト、デザイン、制作を行う
・ 修士の卒業制作「Little Brown」と「It's Supper Time!」の2冊がThe MacMillan Prize 2012 for children's picture book illustration に入選
・ 旅行会社、ワイバードのトップページのイラスト、デザインを担当
・ Liferbird(ライファーバード)のロゴ作成
・ Lost Documents and Alien Auditorsの表紙を制作
・学部の卒業研究をStrix vol.28に投稿。東郷なりさ, 岡久雄二, 星野義延(2012)鳥散布樹木の形態と鳥類の採餌行動. Strix vol.28, pp.59-70.
・ 「いのちの共生を未来へ」 想いでつなごう!!おりがみプロジェクトのイラストを担当
・ IUCN-Jが運営する、想いでつなごう!COP10おりがみプロジェクトのチラシ作成
・ 東京農工大学国際シンポジウム「野生動物管理の担い手:狩猟者と専門的捕獲技術者の育成」のチラシ作成
・ 「いきもののつながり 環境紙芝居15のおはなし」調布ちびっこ自然教室実行委員会 の絵を一部担当
・ 東京都台東区のカフェ・コパンにて初個展「クイナ通り展」開催
・ 雑誌「BIRDER」に自然と遊んだある日の絵日記を1年間連載
・ 旅行会社、ワイバードが企画するワイナリーツアーのHPワインデスクの絵を描く
・ 『タカの渡りを楽しむ本』文一総合出版に観察体験記と挿絵を描く
・ 日野市のパンフレット「つばめマップ」のイラスト・デザインを担当
・ 日本哺乳類学会2007年度大会のロゴを作成
・ 第21回 自然は友だちわたしの自然観察路コンクール 高校生の部 最優秀賞・環境大臣賞