Lots of black-tailed godwits, daniel's favorite birds, were there! Some where still in beautiful summer plumage, some were already dull gray and quite a lot them were in between.

Black-tailed godwit. We all found it a little bit difficult to start getting the hang of sketching birds compared to the seabird drawing days in Scotland. Waders are not like gannets sitting in front of you. They were at binocular or scope distance and moved too fast! We also only had a day to get to know their shapes and movement. But we were so happy that we were there together and drawing!

A shoveler feeding with ruffs and a godwit.

A flock of golden plovers reminded me that it was already closer to mid-August, the start of migration season. I felt it was just a few days ago when I saw them with chicks in Scotland. But time is passing ever so quickly.

Lapwings, avocets and some more godwits.

Evening light was especially gorgeous. Lots of waders and gulls came back to the marsh and there were a lot going on as well.
It was nice to spend a long time at one place and concentrate on what could be seen from there, putting colour on location. And it was great to have artist companies! I must keep doing this from now on!