The museum is now showing this year's selected artworks for the Bologna Illustrators exhibition. And of course, I spotted my talented classmate, Becky Palmer's work!
Every year during the Bologna Illustrators show, the museum organises this special workshop and invites a Bologna related teacher. This year, we had Magdalena Kłos-podsiało, an editor from the Wytwórnia publishing in Poland. She brought several books by Wytwórnia and told us how she started the publishing house by herself and her husband and how she picks such a special selection of books to publish. Several books were started from her ideas, she explained. And she found the right writer and illustrator for it.
All her books are very much "Bologna books" (hope you know what I mean by this!). And...she has such a cute, cute smile! All 20 participants of this workshop were charmed by her smile!
板橋区立美術館の第17回「 夏のアトリエ」に参加してきた。絵本を作りたいイラストレーター20数名を対象にしたワークショップだ。今年は、芸術的なクオリティの高い絵本を出しているポーランドのヴィトフルニャ出版の編集者が講師だった。

She gave us a theme "Homo Lector (a person who reads)", which is a word she created. And we each had to come up a picture book idea related to the theme. Of course, we were allowed to develop it in any direction. I made a story about a book worm. It was interesting and new for me to be given a theme and start an idea from there. And it gave me a good opportunity to develop a rather conceptual book.
And this summer work shop reminded me so much of our MA course and the amazing variety of high quality picture books I've seen in Bologna Book Fair. I won't forget that world!