
The first evening in Anchorage, we already started birding after dinner and found US's national bird, Bald Eagle and its nest!

Everyone was so excited. Some couldn't help but getting up early next morning and walking around before breakfast. They found Merlin chicks. Five of them!

To St. Paul Island, we fly by a propeller aircraft.

I had a great aerial view and it added the excitement for the coming big adventure.

Mt. Redoubt and Mt. Iliamna. I leaned that Mt. Redoubt is a very active volcano erupted as recent as 2009! (標高3,108メートルのリダウト山と3,053メートルのイリアムナ山)
アンカレッジを飛び立ち、1時間ほど飛んだベーリング海に面した町、Dillinghamで給油。アメリカ英語なので、発音はディリンガムではなくてディリングハム! さらに数時間飛んだ後にようやく見えてきたのが、目的地のセントポール島だった。

Finally, we reached to our destination, St. Paul Island. If you have no idea about where it is, it's in the middle of the Bering sea. If we could fly directly from Japan, it would have been much quicker! In fact the flight to Seattle flew passed right above the island.
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